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Posts posted by Ersem

  1. I am more interested in the fact that you are a prosecutor in real life, as that is what I am actually going to college for, do you mind PMing some details and tips on how you got a job as a prosecutor and what I should be doing now to start making sure that I myself will be capable of securing a job in the future? Thanks!

  2. Honestly if this does not get added at this point, then I fail to see the need for + and - supports. It is clear that the people want this added and unless it gets an excellent reason as to why it is not, then Lolwut.

  3. +support/-support

         It is not that I do not like the idea of this, what with more roleplay and all, it is just the fact that the server is suppose to be a "semi-serious" rp server, and adding this would lean it more to the "serious" side.

         And I'm going to have to disagree with Kade about making this optional, as I feel the majority of the people will opt into skipping this part because this is more RP for the doctor then it really is for you.

         An example I would like to use is a game in Byond called Space Station 13. I would play a game mode called  "Space Marines VS Aliens" which was also very RP heavy and would let you choose the job you wanted before the round started. I myself always choose doctor because I liked doing surgeries and such. But where I'm going with this is that I realized that the only RP the other person ever even gets out of this is "AHHHHH PAIN AHHH PAIN" and "Gee thanks Doc!". 

         Again, I'm not against the RP of it as this would probably make me want to apply for EMS, but do not be surprised if a lot of people opt to skip the whole ER RP and all that.


    • Thanks 1
  4. 19 hours ago, Hannah King said:


    you were  most likely copbaiting  by standing  there not letting  police cars get a chance to even move  out of the pd 

    To claim this I would believe you yourself also need evidence, so I -support your -support... If that makes sense.

  5. -Support because this is just wishful thinking.

    *Expecting there to be an investigation besides whoop whoop jail

    *Expecting the criminal to just allow this to happen

         Not that it does not make sense because in reality it does, but let us face it, cops are not going to investigate and/or interrogate because they rather just throw the guy in jail so they can speed off to the next hot and spicy shootout/robbery. That, and the criminal spawns back up with his gun so you can already see where that leads too... 

         Again not that this is unrealistic but I just do not see it playing out the way you explained it to.

  6. Exactly what it means. Hobos ran into the bank and where we were at because PD failed to contain the scene. So they ran past PD into where we were at. The hobos weren't armed and we then took them as hostage. Then PD complain about the hobos, then admin sit, then PD take advatange and start shooting us. 

  7. +Support

    To be more exact, it is up to the PD, AS IN THEIR RP RESPONSIBILITY TO SECURE THE CRIME SCENE. To stop the raid because hobos ran in is sooo failrp and that is on PD. Not only that, but to shoot us while we are in an "admin sit" in the freaking robbery zone? Like seriously? This experience really left a salty taste in my mouth and I think ALL PD need to be retrained and taught HOW TO SECURE A CRIME SCENE. Stopping RP due to their own faults on a POLICERP SERVER is beyond sad and I am really disappointed. I understand mod's make mistakes sometimes but this was just way too big of a mistake and I want atleast an apology.

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