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Posts posted by Bush

  1. I have a custom job from years ago named "Harold" and was told to post here by a sr admin about getting it back, any input is appreciated. Along with this, I have 42 warns, fun, all but 3 are from 2 or more years ago, and im looking for how to get these removed. Thanks!


    AdminName - False Warn Report



    Your In-game: Bush (Subject to change)

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:177764132
    The admin's name in-game: Fame
    The admin's steam name (If you know it):N/A
    What warning did you receive: Shooting a dead body
    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/9567a6ce3f2cc07eb342ae60ec077ded And all of these warns if possible https://gyazo.com/cd767ff972fba9dd4bc1aff0f8b817d0
    Why do you think this warn was false: OLD WARN
    Any extra information: These are all old warns. I want to start off on PRP as a new plate. With minimal warns. Thats why i was gone for a month or two
  3. Name: Bush

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:177764132


    Current rank: SM


    How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) :4 Months


    Rank Wanted: LT


    How many warns do you have?:29 (All but 3 are from almost 6-9 months ago when I first joined the server)(Please make an exception I am not a minge and I want to help in PD command)(All my warns are from crim)


    Do you have a Working mic? Yes


    Why should you be promoted? :Why should you be promoted? : I believe I should be promoted because over the past 4 months as being a SM I have learned a lot. I have learned new skills when it comes to training cadets, being a supervisor, dealing with situations with unruly OFC's and SNR's, and even helping out with issue that command members are working on. I am sad to see that many OFC's are beginning to minge, leave PD, or just quit the server because they never got promoted because there are few command members on to due so. I am very active and wish to change this sad reality. From a stand-point of someone who trains at least 3-6 cadets a day, it is sad to see hard work and good OFC's leaving because they never get promoted. I understand how PD works. I have been in PD for almost a year now and I know my way around the reigns, and though training cadets has been fun I believe it is time to move on and move to greater advancements in my career in PD. I am very active. I am on almost 5 hours a day if not more. Spending almost all that time on PD. I am a very respectful person and know how to keep my cool in stressful situations. For example yesterday I encountered an OFC (That I trained 2 days earlier) rdming people on the streets. Without raising my voice I kindly ran up to him and asked him to stop. After he had killed me I called a sit and had a long conversation with him about how he did the wrong thing and how he should have been patient in getting a promotion. I want the best for PD, it was once thriving now getting 15 people a day often less. I want to help promote more lower ranks, host more PD meetings, keep order and keep lower ranks in check. I want to help out people like SM's and SGT's that are struggling in training or are just struggling with PD in general. I want to give as many people help as I can to enhance their careers in PD. I am not applying for LT for myself, I am applying for others, I want to use my rank as LT to help out lower ranks and help them work their way through the ranks and become more and more professional and even help them learn to enhance their driving skills and techniques for things like pursuits and traffic stops. This has been my LT application, thank you for your time and considering my application.


    You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No):Yes

  4. -1 I was parked in and both cars had parking brakes on. I asked nicely 5 times to move but he told me to fuck off. Also a taser counts as fearrp now? Cause in the vid u have cuffs and the swat has a taser ?

  5. InGame Name: Bush


    Trooper Rank & Badge #1M84 and 1T84


    Question 1: Do you feel you are being treated fairly and with the correct level of respect within State? Yes or no, and please give your reasoning? No. Stop calling me inactive.


    Question 2: Please list 3 or more recommendations you think would improve the atmosphere of roleplay and seriousness within the Rockford State Trooper department? 1. Stricter 2.More Trainings 3.Buff cert


    Question 3: Do you have any other issues or things you would like to mention to us? Please feel free to express your honest opinion.Stop calling me inactive


  6. Name: NSA OP Bush/ SM Bush 1D45/4D45


    Current rank: SM

    How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) : 5 Days. Col Munchies or hoopla (I forgot) gave me perms to app early.

    Rank Wanted: LT

    How many warns do you have? 6 (3 being disputed due to all being seperated from eachother. (From my first PD day)

    Do you have a Working mic? Yes

    Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): N/A

    Why should you be promoted? : I think I am worthy of becoming an LT because of my loyalty. I am very respectful towards my peers and higher ups. I am not very talkative and enjoy action. I carry all tasks given to me. I am a hard worker. Anything that is handed over to me as an assignment I will begin to work on instantly. I believe hard working is the key to success. With the right amount of effort anything can be accomplished. . I am an excellent team worker. I am quiet and talk only when necessary. From being active to the professionalism. I spend the majority of my life on this server and try to increase my RP everyday with my activity.  I continuously strive to become a better worker and person. To bring more to any department I am ever in! Thank you for considering this application.

    You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes

  7. IG Name:  OFC Bush 2I34

    Link to Steam Account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198315793993/home/

    How many warnings do you have:  0 active warnings

    What departments are you in and what rank: I'm in PD as a Patrol Officer

    Why do you want to be EMS(150 words minimum): I would like to join EMS because for a very long time i have admiered the member of EMS. I admire them because it is so impresssive how u can get shot dead and with in 1 minute u are back up and alive. I would like to join EMS also because it seems like 70% of the time there are no EMS there and i really want to become one so i can help people. I feel that EMS are not noticed are apprecated as much as they should be i see people get revived and just go on with there life and not even say thank you but thats not the case with me I apprecate them and say thank you and i apprecate them so much that i would like to join them and become one of them and help people just as they do even if that means people will just look past me when i help them. I like making peoples day and I don't like violence. I understand it is often stressful and overwhelming to be EMS. But I am prepared. Please consider this application :}

    Thank you for your time!

  8. Just sayin I do have experience on this server. My old account got hacked. This is my new one. And I believe as I am ready for it. I under stand it will be overwhelming at times. But I am prepared for it


  9. IG Name:  OFC Bush 2I34

    Link to Steam Account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198315793993/home/

    How many warnings do you have:  0 active warnings

    What departments are you in and what rank: I'm in PD as a Patrol Officer

    Why do you want to be EMS(150 words minimum): I would like to join EMS because for a very long time i have admiered the member of EMS. I admire them because it is so impresssive how u can get shot dead and with in 1 minute u are back up and alive. I would like to join EMS also because it seems like 70% of the time there are no EMS there and i really want to become one so i can help people. I feel that EMS are not noticed are apprecated as much as they should be i see people get revived and just go on with there life and not even say thank you but thats not the case with me I apprecate them and say thank you and i apprecate them so much that i would like to join them and become one of them and help people just as they do even if that means people will just look past me when i help them. I like making peoples day and I don't like violence.

    Thank you for your time!

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