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Posts posted by Dave

  1. Thank you everyone I’ve already hit 50 and climbing. You all are a huge help. I wouldn’t have gotten so many if it wasn’t for this amazing community. (Because I have no other friends XD) 

    I don’t want to ask for more for you’ll  but if you have any extra free time on your hands, please help out my friend he also need 50, and just like me has no other friends or social media. XD.

  2. Hello, 

    Im not sure if allowed to do this but, for a school project I need 50 people to respond/answer a survey. If you can quickly answer my 9 question survey that would be awesome. Please answer it truthfully.

    My Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6dk5jykn9YMSgMeM2j4vrEGOSKyfnPQd_-sHfyceVn06XzQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1

    Friends link: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/3/d/e/1FAIpQLSfr6egV5-hKtj7OGeZLL-RCime2tP6MJhpuRcUiWy1bgjtg4Q/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link

  3. 16 hours ago, Tum-tumz said:

    I really dont see the point of putting effort into making this happen, its never bothered me

    Sorry I’m going to have to agree with TUMZ here, adding a extra comment doesn’t make much sense. The only reason a quote should need a comment is if your reacting or responding. If your +/- Supporting saying: I Agree ^^^... would be usless when that’s what quoting represents that your saying the same as the other person.

    Becuase of this, it’s a -Support from me

  4. 40 minutes ago, Rhenic said:


    I don't see why not! Plus it would encourage people to use the forums more

    Agreed, the only problem I see is people might start spamming posts or quoting for no reason. But this would be a cool feature 

  5. +/- Support

    Just some quotes for you to think about...

    ”Better to lose a little money than a little friendship” - Lowell

    “When arguing with a friend over money, think what you need more. The friend or the money” -Unknown 

    “You don’t need money to live a good life, Friends and family are worth their weight in gold” -Susan Gold

    Some of these don’t make much sense, but you can dwell on them if you would like.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Big -Support 

    The quote button is one of my favorite features of this website compared to others. I’ve used the quote button over 30+ times out of my 50 posts. The quote button is a time saver and helps one express the same opinion of others with out repeating them. The quote button isn’t the cause of someone bumping a post.


    But I do agree that the people that abuse the quote button or “cheat” the system to get a higher post count should be punished is some shape or forum.


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