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Everything posted by Polkagrisen

  1. I was definitely in a bad mindset at the time, but I can assure the server if they'll accept me back that I won't do any of it again. I've been getting into more SeriousRP lately such as FalloutRP or MetroRP and I want to come back and hopefully bring some more engaging roleplay situations to the server. Yes I know this server isn't "SeriousRP" But still, its fun to put on a character to try and Enrich the roleplay experience of others around you. -Polkagrisen
  2. Steam Name: Polkagrisen Ingame Name: Dib Biddly SteamID: STEAM_1:0:45593156 Ban Length: Permanent Admin that Banned you: ARU Commissioner Valkyrie S19 Reason for Ban: Minge/NITRP/StaffDis/Att.MassRDM Dispute: This ban occurred on 9/18/17. Its been 41 weeks since my ban, and I want to come back to the server. I will admit to all of the things that were stated in the Ban message, aside from staff disrespect but in the case that Valkyrie felt disrespected I'd like to make an apology towards you. I would like to be unbanned so that I may come back to the server and actually RP, I had a ton of fun when I was on the server but obviously things got a bit out of hand on my part and I apologize for that, I had heaps of fun when I was on the server and If I can comeback, i'd be highly appreciative. Thanks for considering me for an unban, Have a nice day! -Polkagrisen
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