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Posts posted by jsygula

  1. Roman could not post it here so im putting his here

    Name:Roman Rank: Corporal
    FTO Rank(if Applicable, SGT+): N/A Why Should you retain your rank(WO+ must respond I 150+ words: Good evening I should keep the Corporal rank because I listen to what I have to do and never break the rules of the foundation.I never fight with the higher ups and in riots or in CI raids I help my other teammates also like other Corporal’s and me can be a great teaching tools to the newer OFC’s of how to play.I’m mostly active only time is for projects or dinner and try my best to be on no matter what and is always trying to be top of my game for the foundation.I’m fast adapter which if there's a new rule I can easily and instantly remember and not break it again or a new ranks also I have a firm and strong hand of my job and never do fail RP or try anything funny just do your job and listen to higher ups.Another point I never start drama or try to get my teammates to hate me instead I try to get a better relationship.To summerize my role call I never break the golden rules or any rules, listen to my higher ups and to sever the Foundation

  2. BioName: Kilroy

    Rank: 1LT

    Fto rank: fto

    Why should I keep my rank: I love playing and being apart of gensec, everytime I'm on I'm always playing gensec, I have no strikes and I'm in rcf and a fto, I take gensec seriously and dont dick around,  I really want to grow further in security. I joined back in 2018 and I love getting on each day to play,  I want to make a difference in security and I hope one day that I can HOS but I will work hard to be the best that I can be right now. I enjoy being in d block and talking to fellow security, I can be on the server for hours and it will feel like 5 min has passed. I don't mind helping out new enlisted security that are having trouble and I'm always up to train a trainee. I love being apart of security, I plan on staying for a long time and I try to stay active as possible 

  3. BioName: Kilroy

    Rank: 2LT

    Fto rank: fto

    Why should I keep my rank: I love playing and being apart of gensec, everytime I'm on I'm always playing gensec, I have no strikes and I'm in rcf and a fto, I take gensec seriously and dont dick around,  I really want to grow further in security. I joined back in 2018 and I love getting on each day to play,  I want to make a difference in security and I hope one day that I can HOS but I will work hard to be the best that I can be right now. I enjoy being in d block and talking to fellow security, I can be on the server for hours and it will feel like 5 min has passed. I don't mind helping out new enlisted security that are having trouble and I'm always up to train a trainee. I love being apart of security, I plan on staying for a long time and I try to stay active as possible 

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