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Posts posted by Hooplaa

  1. 3 hours ago, Igneous said:

    For those who did not see the video, Buckell did, in fact, share a link to their new communities forums in the GAMINGLIGHT TEAMSPEAK. Please remember that when commenting supports. 


    Guess I missed that part ? Ok, maybe he should stay Blacklisted. . .

    I'm just going to wait for SMT's final decision. 

  2. +Support

    The evidence presented against the 3 individuals showed that Buckell himself never actually participated in player poaching others, however he was subject to it. He verbally accepted a high ranking staff position on another community, but never tried to force others to join the community itself. I do feel that a permanent or long term staff restriction is on order though, due to the severity of the violation, and the blatant breach of the staff handbook. That or his blacklist reduced to a temporary ban, and a documented written warning. Buckell is a good guy who made a stupid mistake, and a punishment is in order, but not a Community Blacklist.

  3. - Support

    • Replied to Own Application
    • Mingy Tendencies
    • History of Unprofessionalism 
    • Hostile Tendencies
    • Not quite ready for this position

    Overall, Nick is a Active member of gaminglight, and is a chill guy to hang out with at times. However, the characteristics he displays on a day to day basis, are quite the opposite of what is to be expected of an event team member. There is a great deal of improvement needed before he is ready for this position. Even though you are not applying for a Staff position per say, maybe consider reading the Staff Handbook as it will give you an insight of what is to be expected of Staff and Staff related positions, such as Event Team.

  4. 4 hours ago, Timmemes said:


    Chief has demonstrated that he is ready to take up a position like that from his performance in Security, and how he handles himself. He is active, mature, a great guy, and knows lore. He is ready for this job as long as someone great takes over DHOS for him.


    Good Luck!

  5. 13 hours ago, TOPlayz said:

    I don't feel like I'm allowed to give any supports, but..

    I don't feel like you should be an HCZ manager. MTF losing a commander would be a problem at this current moment, with the resigning of SuperSpace already. But, don't let that stop you! Go for the job if you'd like.

    Agreed. Best of Luck!

  6. Name: Hooplaa
    Branch: Chaos Insurgency
    Rank: Lieutenant-Commander

    Are you applying for Light or Heavy Manager: Heavy Manager

    How active are you now: Active

    Do you feel overly stressed with your current rank: No. As the Second in Command for the Chaos Insurgency I am surrounded by hard workers, and great people who relieve any form of "stress" when working. Although, I have no issue working independently.

    Why should you be picked for manager(250+ Words): To begin, I do want to address the fact that I am indeed a High Command member, in a non-foundation branch. However, I politely ask that you look past the branch I command, but instead consider my qualifications, and abilities. Although I Command a non-foundation branch, my time on the server has not been limited to purely Chaos Insurgency related affairs. I do possess an enlisted rank on NTF as a Lance Corporal. I strongly believe that my position on the Chaos Insurgency can, and will be a great asset to the Foundation Administration team. I possess a knowledge of the inner workings of the Insurgency, along side an enhanced awareness of how Foundation Staff operate, that can be utilized to effectively supervise both branches. Within the Site Administration SOP, it states that the Heavy Manager can "recommend CI for promotions / demotions", so a knowledge of how CI operates with be truly beneficial. I personally wrote the Chaos Insurgency Standard Operating Procedure, and even though the position of Heavy Manger is foundation, you are tasked with the supervision of both branches, to an extent. Leadership an management is nothing new to me, I have possessed a plethora of Command ranks, not only on SCP-RP, but on PoliceRP as well. On both servers, I steadily climbed the ranks in multiple departments, two of which I obtained a position in High Command. In addition, to my RP ranks, I am an Active member of the gaminglight Staff Team, and I have had experience Staffing on both SCP-RP, and PoliceRP as an Administrator. All these positions I've held throughout the months, have given me a knowledge of leadership, that not too many people can effectively say they have. I deal with people in distress or crisis on a daily basis, and have had the opportunity to experience almost every situation pertaining to supervision and leadership of a specific branch or department. Everyday, I put my time into ensuring the branch I command is running steadily, and smoothly. Always dealing with issues, and concerns promptly as to not cause any further distraught in the department. I am tasked with commanding command members, I lead the leaders essentially. So not only do I have the ability to lead/ manage, I train people on how to be leaders. After all the best way to learn, is to teach. Within the CI branch, it is mandatory that all our command members go through a short training course of the ethics that go into command, the dos and don'ts. A course which I teach myself. In fact, directly stated in the CI SOP, constructed by myself, there is a section dedicated to the Command Standards, in which it states a summarized version of the ethics of commanding. In regards to the position of Heavy Manager, their primary goal would be to ensure the Heavy Containment Zone is running smoothly, and efficiently. However, you are not only an Zone Manger, your a part of Site Administration, so not only should you be supervising your Zone. You should be supervising the Site, and the personnel in it. Due to the true scope of the Site itself, interdepartmental cooperation has become one of the underlying issues that I plan to correct. Nearly all personnel on Site, in some sense or another, operate within the Heavy Containment Zone, so an understanding of the tasks various personnel in your branch, and others branches conduct, would be the first step into ensuring the HCZ continues to operate eficiently. To make sure this happens, I have constructed yet another document, that I believe will greatly help with interdepartmental cooperation in the Heavy Containment Zone, titled the Heavy Containment Zone Outline This document directly outline the entirety of the Heavy Containment Zone, and the personnel that operate within it. In addition to this document, I have no issue with constructing further documentation that can assist in public relations. In order to be an effective leader there are certain characteristics that an individual should have. The characteristics for which I myself have obtained over many months of commanding, and leading. I possess a good sense of Integrity, Honor, Professionalism, Community, Respect, Accountability, and Innovation. Alongside many others. These qualities, combined with my experiences in the Foundation and Chaos Insurgency, enhanced knowledge of server guidelines, SCP Lore, leadership, Command, people, and more, are why I believe I am more than fit for the position of Heavy Manager.

    How are your leadership skills: Excellent. I believe the ability to lead is something every person should try to build up. As such, I try to dedicate a lot of my time to conducting leadership tasks, as to further enhance my understanding of what it means to lead. Leadership is quite a broad term, and everyone has a different approach to leadership, however I do consider myself to be a great leader. 

    How would you deal with 682 breach(for HCZM): Upon being informed of the breach itself, I would contact the Commanding Officers of the various task forces, if available, and organize a small element of armed personnel to seek out the escaped SCP. All unarmed personnel will be evacuated to the LCZ, or into the nearest blast shelter, or other safe area. Once located, SCP-682 will be tranquilized, restrained, and escorted back into containment. At this point, SCP-682 will become aggravated, so some "food" should be prepared in order to calm it down. Once, contained, all personnel are to return to there regular duties. Containment methods for SCP-682 can be found here.

    How would you deal with 173 breach(For LCZM) : N/A

    How would you deal with CI: As a current member of the Chaos Insurgency I have a advanced understanding of how they operate during raids. The Chaos Insurgency has strength in numbers, and they always move in large groups from point to point, often trying to breach high priority SCP's first then moving as one cohesive unit to the next target. The standard formation for CI is lower, weaker ranks in the front, absorbing gunfire. While bigger heavier units remain in the back providing intense fire support. Once analyzed, one will notice that CI have more issues dealing with Security Forces, rather than the Task Forces. Why is that? Strength in numbers. The task forces have a tendency to move around the HCZ in singulars, or duos. Making it easy for CI to pick off. If CI breached, they would need to be secluded, so the HCZ will need to be put on lockdown. Once locked down, a large element of MTF, NTF, and possibly Security would be formed, then sent in to deal with the CI. High priority locations should be check first, as that is where the CI likely are. CI tends to move in tightly packed units, so the use of fragmentation grenades would be highly effective. The CI rely heavily on formations, so with the task forces military might, and weaponry, the implementation of formations, and guerilla warfare, would subsequently destroy any opposing CI forces. 

    What would you do on defcon 3-1: During Defcons 3-1, all task forces within the HCZ will be put on high alert, and given orders to seek out and recontain any escaped SCP's. All unarmed foundation personnel, such as Researchers, will be escorted out of the HCZ while the task forces deal with the escaped SCP's, and or CI. Depending on the status of the HCZ during the Defcons, the HCZ may be need to be placed in lockdown, as to ensure that the escaped SCP's do not spread to the EZ, LCZ, or even the surface. If all prior attempts to recontain the SCP's or deal with the Chaos Insurgency have failed, the Site Administrator, Director of Task Forces, or MTF / NTF Commanders will be contacted for permission to activate the Alpha Warhead. At which point all foundation personnel will be escorted off site, or to the nearest blast shelter immediately. 

    What would you do if a security sgt disrespected you/disobeyed orders: As a Heavy Manager, you are granted with permissions to "promote/demote up to SGT in any foundation branch". The rank of SGT itself is technically considered a supervisor rank, so the actions of a SGT reflect directly on themselves, and the branch they serve. SGT's are held to high standards, and should be treated as such. So in the event a SGT is disobeying direct orders, and moreover disrespecting their superiors, they should not be in that supervisory position. Thus, I would give the SGT an opportunity to correct his mistake, and apologize. If they refuse, it will be a Demotion, and possibly a Strike. 

    What rank can you promote/demote up to: Sergeant, as stated in the Site Administration SOP, and above. 

    What rank can you strike:  The Heavy Manager can strike up to the fourth highest rank in any foundation branch. 

    Do you understand that the Site Admin+ can removed you from Site Administration if you breach the guidelines bad enough: I understand.

    Do you understand it is your job to do whatever it takes to keep what you know and the site a secret: I understand. 

    Do you fully understand the guidelines: I understand. 

    What changes would you make on how the zone you are applying for operates: Everything about the Heavy Containment Zone is stated in the document I constructed above. However, I would like to improve upon Foundation Staff accountability, and Interdepartmental cooperation in the HCZ. In addition, although the Chaos Insurgency and Foundation are considered enemies, there is a lot of unnecessary disrespect that I would like to correct. Alongside, Foundation Personnel disrespect, as some branches have issues with authority, and seem to think they are enemies with other branches. 

    Are there any changes to Site Administration guidelines you would make if you could: No.


    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I do have O5 Council Permission to Apply. And if accepted I will have to resign my position as Chaos Insurgency, for security reasons. So I will not remain on CI, and Foundation Site Administration at the same time.

  7. I'm not good at goodbyes, but it was an Honour working with you for the short time I could. I hope to see you again in the coming future and best of luck in the future. Thank You.

  8. Hate to break it to you John, but you didn't respond to the roll call, so you were removed from CI. Don't burden yourself with CI if you don't have the ability to maintain activity, school takes priority over video games my guy.

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