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Nick Hunter

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Posts posted by Nick Hunter

  1. Title: (Name) - C.E.R.T / State / Global
    Steam ID:  76561198064335391
    Reason for Resignation: 

    Hey! my IRL schedule has been very conflicting with my hobbies and free time. It isn't fair if I remain taking up spots in State/C.E.R.T when I haven't been online in 2 weeks and my activity isn't going to change at all for a while. I will return once my schedule allows me to. See you soon, and thank you for the opportunities state and state command has given me.

    - N.H

  2. - Support

    You can't learn how to RP as a Police Officer through a 5 minute look-around on information boards and take a test. You need an FTO regardless to get the foundations on how to play as Gov and not instantly get reported.

    15 hours ago, Sp0oky said:


    IRL > GMOD

    If you need an FTO to fit into your schedule, especially for state police then contact me or any other State FTO and you will be trained, coming to the forums to complain about it won't solve the problem.

  3. Regardless of the reason you broke the rule, you still broke the rule. You made a 'False Warn Report' when in-fact the warn was justifiable. Next time just log off before starting an RP interaction that would more then likely cause you to be arrested. 

    - support

  4. "IDC about the format being wrong". Yes because being entitled and having a shitty attitude is going to get you unbanned.

    Also instead of playing the victim card and making accusations about GL being anti-lgbtq, how about you actually be useful by being more descriptive about the situation rather then complain and make accusations to the entire GL server.


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. What you want to see? - Add the following to /Ticket

    - The ability to add a ticket to a parked vehicle: There have been countless situations where tickets should have been given to parked vehicles but we are unable to with the /ticket command.

    - Remove preset ticket options and go back to the old way we had it: to be able to fill in what the infraction(s) was and to put a price amount in reference to a police document. OR, add a "Other" option so we can fill out other violations that happened.

    - Add /ticket to also be apart of your /cad system: If this is possible this would be very cool, clicking a button on the cad system "Ticket Driver" and opens up /ticket. Would be cool to RP as if you are printing the tickets from your vehicle.

    Why should we add it? - Listed above, quality of life changes.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Quality of life changes.

    Who is it mainly for? - Gov Agencies.

    Links to any content - N/A.

  6. - Support

    Please fully read and follow ALL directions. You failed to pay attention to detail. 

    • Failed to follow staff application format (Now corrected)
    • Edited application after posting
    • Failed to add private poll to application.


  7. What you want to see? - EHC and HC coming together to create and to consistently maintain a spreadsheet of the following:

    • All violations with proper ticket price amounts (Vehicle violations, other, etc.)
    • All misdemeanors with proper jail times (List all charges that will result with 1-2 years)
    • All felonies with proper jail times (List all charges that will result in 2+ years)

    Why should we add it? - So all departments can be on the same page when it comes to the enforcement of law violators. All departments will have a say, and we will all follow the same enforcement document.

    What are the advantages of having this? - 

    • Eliminates the confusion of having to guess jail times for certain scenarios.
    • Gives officers the confidence to do their job and have a document that is constantly maintained to ensure unanimity and department organization.
    • Gives officers the right tools to succeed
    • Prevents wrong jail times, unlawful arrests, unlawful citations, and other unlawful police action.
    • Can be used to aid law enforcement in court as a point of referral.
    • Can always be edited and updated by EHC and SMT if needed to meet the needs of an everchanging server.

    Who is it mainly for? - Government

    Links to any content - N/A

  8. - Support

    The current system we have in place is a solid system and allows a consistent flow of RP by allowing multiple people throughout the day to hop on the job. If only one person at a time was allowed this would limit RP for not only the citizens but Secret Service, they would only be useful if the player actually got on and would be stuck guarding key locations, example being RG on ImperialRP, no offense.

    However, I like the idea of a monthly election system for a government position so what about this. "City Council" a 6 slot job that can be applied for every month. Players utilize a campaign team and planned "debates" to earn the vote of players in the community. City Council members would get together and with the assistance of the president create laws, be involved with taxes, licensing, and doing things like "community meetings" (In-game obviously) and such to influence RP.

  9. 7 hours ago, Frank Castle said:

    Thank you so much guys for your lovely support 😃

    Hey Frank, be sure to not reply to your staff application unless someone specifically asks you a question. See below


    " 9. NEVER reply to your own application for staff! (Take it to Forum PMs if there is a issue).

    (Unless your asked a question on your application) "

    - Staff Application Format : Here

    • Like 1
  10. + Support

    In my opinion this is a great application and you seem like a good candidate for T-mod. If you happen to be denied, which is very possible due to how new you are, participate more in the forums/TS3 and I'm sure you won't have a problem re-applying if it got to that point. Good luck Frank.


    [The Positives]: Great application - Active - Clean background (Nothing outstanding)  - Active on discord - Seems to want to join the staff team for the right reasons.

    [The Negatives] New player - 4 forum posts (at the time of this post) - Failed to follow some steps of the format (Post name + Private vote on post) - Warned 1 week ago.

    • Like 1
  11. Yesterday there was a noticeable amount of players breaking rules and I wanted to take the time to thank our staff team for a fast and professional response to all that happened yesterday. 

    One situation that stood out was two individuals making light and celebrating a specific tragic event. Leaky observed this and wasted no time dealing with the two subjects. Thank you Leaky and all other staff involved in enforcing rules yesterday as well as everyday, you are appreciated.

    • Gaminglight Love 1
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