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Posts posted by Abel

  1. Actually there is no rule against rioting or flashbang use, Where are you guys getting this rules from? The fact that all staff agree with the warn scares me tbh. Thats is why you should have activated martial law. Is there another rule book out there somewhere? If not than this rules need to be updated.


  2. riots aren't allowed


    than why punish the swat member? Also weapon abuse or flashbang abuse is not even a rule in the MOTD, There is also no rule against using a flash bang on a civilian. So technically this warn is false warning. There is actually no rules against flash bangs right now meaning anyone can go crazy with it. 

    I think all staff should take a look at the MOTD and have it with them to every sit they take.

  3. Lol get the whole swat to flood this post. you're not supposed to flash bang civs your abusing your weapons. you should have let staff deal with it

    First off in real life cops have had to flash bang civs if the riots got too intense or pepper spray them, Now I don’t see why he was warned for breaking a rule, this was a great RP scenario because if he did flash bang civilians for an unfair reason a high ranking officer could have demoted him or punish him. 


  4. Hi, there is another way to find your steamid without the need to go to another site and you can do it ingame!

     Just type "status" in console 


    1: open your console by pressing on your tilde key



    2: Once your console is open type status in it 



    3: Once you have typed status search for your name among the list 



    4: And then once you have found your name Highlight it by holding the left click and hovering over it and then press the right mouse button and then click copy 




    Gif Tutorial




    If you have any questions PM me or just post a comment below. 


  5. what he asked for an honest opinion I gave it to him even asked to make sure he was okey with it and I dont particularly hate anyone here at gaming light and my ccriticismsare constructive 

    Yea I understand that but at the end of the day you are criticizing the Higher Ups and the whole staff team. Because if those things you stated are true than that tells me the Higher Ups don't care how their staff act or don't act on it at all. Criticisms is all right in my opinion but between staff it does look bad, and I not blaming you I am blaming Oliver for starting the thread in the first place, Because I would think he would know that starting this thread was gonna create issues between staff members. Don't you guy have a staff only section? Move it there. 

    Here is how I look at it. Imagine two police officers criticizing each other in front of civilians. 

  6. Come on guys, I understand you have different opinions about each other but, Honestly you are only hurting the community, All you are stating might be true but its only making the community look bad. Just take it too private messages and if you still can’t work it out just talk with higher ups. I know its not my place to tell anyone how to do their job I am merely suggesting this 

  7. The best way to fix this would be to add a rule or you could use the FearRP rule because no one would just shoot a cop randomly without the fear of the cop somehow fighting back or being wanted. Or maybe longer jail time.

    Btw I had a stroke trying to read this XD

  8. Hi, My name is Abel I am an SNR in the Police Force. I will try to get involved in the community and Hopefully reach a decent rank in the Police Force. Thank you for taking your time to read this and I hope to see you on the server. 


    Sorry for my shit spelling ;-;

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