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Posts posted by Shadowymax

  1. 1. What’s your In-Game Name?


    2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)?


    3. What is your Rank?

    Maintenance Expert

    4. What’s your time on the Server?

    4 Weeks-ish

    5. Total strikes you’ve ever received?

    1,  missed the meeting.

    6. How many warnings do you have on GL?


    7. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?


    8. Why do you believe you should become a Maintenance Command member (100+ words)?

    I’ve previously been a Maintenance Manager for maintenance so I have loads of prior experience as a command member for the branch. I find maintenance to be my passion on the server. I love how RP centric it is. I love the people of this branch and I want to see the branch grow. I feel that the one thing this branch needs more of is worksites. Broken bridges, massive pipes, malfunctioning tesla gates. As a command member, I plan to host large worksite patrols so that both new and longtime members can enjoy what I think makes maintenance special. 

    [Answer 2 of the following questions. You may answer all 3.]

    9-1. A Utility Trainee has escaped the training room and is refusing to return, how would you handle this?

    My first step would be to (if possible) cuff the trainee. The main reason is to stop the trainee from causing further immediate issues. The next step I’d take (assuming I’ve cuffed the trainee) would be to explain to the trainee that they will be on a DNT for X time, and that if they continue to flag on trainee during that period,  they will receive a blacklist. From personal experience, I find that the trainee is less likely to flag on after being demoted if I tell them this. My next step is to /demote the trainee. Lastly, I would submit a 1-2 week DNT on the trainee. 

    9-2. Some enlisted members have begun RDMing each other in bunks as a way to pass time, what would you do in this situation?


    9-3. A Junior Maintenance is breaking multiple SOP rules such as improperly using tools and disregarding DEFCON rules, what are your next steps?

    Since there's multiple rules being broken, I’ll break down each of the different infractions.

    DEFCON rules. So I’m generally fairly chill when it comes to seeing people out during defcon 2. Most of the time people don’t realise the defcon. I handle it by letting the person know and send them on their way to bunks.

    Improper Tool Use. This is something I’m VERY strict on. We make a very clear point in both training and the SOP that we do not mess around with welders, saws, and the other sweps. If I see somebody purposefully burning others with a welder I strike them right then and there.

    In this particular situation, my first step is to return the Junior to the bunks. Once the junior is in bunks, I’ll explain what they did wrong and the punishment. The junior will be striked and removed. Since this is a junior who clearly doesn’t know the SOP, I’ll be giving them a 2 week DNT. After giving the punishment, I will remove the Junior’s whitelist and subsequently /demote them.

  2. 1 hour ago, [GL] Fizz-y Soda said:

    -Support for this only. If it gets moved to 1, it'll get in the way when trying to switch to med kit. I'd recommend keeping it in slot 2, but renaming it so it comes after Keys.


    The vast majority of maintenance's tools are all on slot 1. Changing it would add another swep to the multi-monitor consuming wall of slot 1 sweps.  Also, as Fizzy mentioned, the Med Kit is on slot 1 which will be an annoyance for swapping to Med Kit.


  3. +/- Support

    For balance sake,  I personally would go with either making the shipment an equivalent cost, or more expensive than individually buying guns. 

    The biggest advantage I see is lag reduction during these kinds of riots and I'll explain why:
    On multiple occasions I've been given 100/200k by other players to spawn as many glocks as possible for rioting. Every time, I've been able to fill the entire casino, and the floor outside the casino, with glocks.  200k is enough to buy me 100 glocks. Assuming that each shipment gives 10 guns, I can either purchase and spawn 100 individual weapons scattered all over the floor, or I can purchase and spawn 10 items. Especially at peak hours, something like this will be incredibly helpful for performance during riots. 



    2 hours ago, [GL] Mike said:

    If one Class-D could buy all the Class-D in D-Block a weapon especially a gun this could fuck up everything. I see Class-D easily overpower gensec with weapons all the time and I dont think this is needed.

    Touching on what Mike said, the only difference, balance-wise for GenSec and MTF will be riot prep time. From my experience in doing this multiple times, the slower prep-time doesn't do anything to help GenSec. They don't notice what we are doing until after we start rioting. During a riot, by myself I can generally keep up with supplying the dying d-class. Give me a second supplier and we vastly outproduce our loses. The first thing to go for a riot like this isn't guns in-stock to immediately grab, its money.

  4. To add on to it, killing non-combatant foundation personnel who are not actively obstructing your ability to riot and escape, will only hinder you.  Non-combatants can only attack in self defense. Unless you hurt them, they cannot hurt you.

    The significantly better option would be to: grab your buddy and Fear-RP the foundation member.  The higher the rank, the better. Once you have a personnel under Fear-RP, use the foundation member to open the doors for you. 

  5. -Support

    Here are my thoughts on each of the listed items. 

    Keep in mind that I don't have experience every weapon on this list here.

    Fubar - While I personally have no experience using this weapon myself, 125 base damage is in itself, huge even considering the server's damage modifier. When buffing weapons of any sort, 50 damage is huge. There isn't anything that I'm aware of to justify such as  huge buff.
    BCD - I am unaware of what weapon this is so I have no thoughts on it.
    Wrench - The wrench is a tool I have a lot of experience with. It so happens that the wrench is one of the many tools that Maintenance gets access to. The damage output of the wrench is fine. It actually has more base damage than the Sledgehammer tool that we get, making it the strongest melee tool Maintenance has access to. The only people that use these (that im aware of) are Maintenance and D-class. Its a very fast attacking melee weapon with a quick to use charged attack. The wrench is probably the strongest melee weapon that any d-class can get.
    Cz75  - This is a buff I'm fine with. For a little bit, Technical had access to this weapon so I had personal experience with this gun. The three extra bullets will give the users a little bit more combat time before they need to reload.
    Deagle - Assuming this is the Deagle you can buy in the armory, have experience with using this gun. The increase in RPM felt rather small so I did some math.  The Deagle goes from  4.45 shots per second to 4.583333. The only actually situation where this change would have any actual difference would be if you are spam firing for 10 seconds straight. In which case, you would be able to fire out 1 more bullet compared to the current Deagle. This change will have no actual effect so I don't see a need to change it other than for value aesthetics.
    Glock  - I have a lot of experience using this gun on d-class. Something to keep in mind that this is one of the two guns you can buy while on D-class Supplier so any adjustments should consider how it compared with the other supplier gun. The Glock is incredibly accurate, like extremely accurate. Along with that you get access to I believe 20 shots a magazine. Its a longer lasting, better handling gun in comparison to the other Supplier gun. The other gun has 7 bullets in the magazine and is a close firing, burst damage pistol. While I do agree that the Glock could take a small damage buff, something like 12 --> 15/16 would be reasonable.
    Re45 - I have completely no experience using this weapon however do keep in mind that buffing this will increase its fire rate from 11.6 bullets per second to 12.5.
    Tec9 - I have no experience using the Tec9 so I have no thoughts on this weapon.
    Uzi  - I have experience with the Uzi, it used to be a weapon for the Containment Engineer class. With its fast rate of fire, adjusting damage will have a larger effect on the DPS.  While its current DPS output is balanced, I wouldn't be opposed to a small damage buff. I would be fine with buffing the Uzi from 20 ---> 22 damage but buffing the damage from 20 ---> 27 is too much.
    Mp7 - I have a decent amount of experience using this weapon. Assuming this is the scoped Mp# weapon, the damage output is perfectly fine. Scoped, its designed to be a semi-auto ranged weapon while still serving as a decent close-range tool.
    Winchester73  -  I've had experience with this weapon and I find the Winchester to be balanced as is. It doesn't have a fast firing rate however, the Winchester has great accuracy, making it excel at a distance. This gun's purpose is to reliably support at a distance, not fight up front.

    These are my thoughts on the suggested changes. If I got anything wrong let me know.

  6. Quote

    2 min breach timer for when lights turn off due to lights rarely ever turning off or even lasting long enough once they turn off.

    No way to stop a breach once lights are off

    As an Engineer I can say without a doubt getting from LCZ to power room in 2 minutes is almost impossible even with nothing getting in my way. When there is a power outage I have to run through the entire facility while avoiding the breached SCP(s) along with the CI that just entered the facility. 9 out of 10 times I die at least once while making my way up there. Assuming I don't die on the way up it still takes a while to get there safely.

    I'd say put it at 3 or 4 minutes (I personally prefer 4 minutes but 3 is acceptable) All other self-breaching SCPS have ways to prevent/delay self-breaches. In this case it would be the race to get to power room. I do think it should be a challenge to rush over to fix it quickly. It puts pressure on MTF to go out and actively help technical get to the power room. 


    Two questions I have in mind are:
    1. Is there a CC location you already have in mind?

    2. Would them breaching from lights out cause the CC to break and need repairs?


    Id love to see this as an added SCP


  7. Name :

    Branch(es) :

    Rank(s) :
    Lead Engineer

    How would you rate your activity? (1-10)

    Why you should keep your position (Command Only)
       I've been on Technical branch since early February and its been a perfect fit for me.  Technical's style of RP is themed but very open-ended which gives me direction while still having endless amounts of creative freedom to put into my roleplay.  Technical, (and Utility in general,) gives me a job to do while still being RP-centric which is the kind of roleplay I look for when finding a roleplay server. Its the sense of accomplishment while still having that creative satisfaction that makes Technical such a fun branch to be in for me. I'm excited about the new incident events that have been introduced to utility. I have a whole new aisle of fun to work with and I forward to what mischief and mayhem will strike the facility in the coming future. 

    Any changes you would like to see: None

    Any notes or questions: The last time I successfully fixed 049's CC was in mid April. Please stop rigging my rolls 🥺

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