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Posts posted by hoopsure

  1. Well, it's been fun, but lately I've been extremely burned out on GL and just not in the mood to get on anymore due to the current server environment. I may be back again one day, but probably not any time soon.  

  2. Name: Hank

    Rank: MSGT 

    Callsign: xm4

    Date of LOA Leave/Return: 3/13/2020-3/17/2020

    Reason (if private write N/A): I need a break from server.


  3. Your In-game: Hoopsure 

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:62133457


    The admin's name in-game: O5-3: "The Beacon"


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Rangiatea


    What warning did you receive: Minge | RDM


    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): image.thumb.png.f2b29cdd97dc63a12a91ce573bb831c8.png


    Why do you think this warn was false: I wasn't brought to a sit or told why I was warned & blacklisted off the Ordinance specialist job. I assume he did it because he thought I got on the job and went to blow up his helicopter for no reason, however I was told by a site admin, DOC Camo, to go blow his helicopter up.

    The full story was that me and the other person who just got whitelisted for the job were on surface, ran into camo, heard the helicopter flying around, saw it land somewhere, then camo told both of us to blow it up. I asked him is he sure he wants us to blow it up and he said yes. So we shot our grenade launchers and missed, and headed to where it was landed, I placed my C4 down on a 10 second timer as per MOTD and ran before it exploded. About 10ish minutes later I'm in the facility during defcon 3 in 035s CC making sure he doesn't escape with a group of other MTF while they fix his CC when I get kicked off the job and it says I got blacklisted off the job, then a minute later I get the warning from rang.


    Any extra information: EDIT:
    Rang never took damage from me, so I don't see how I can be warned for RDM when I never damaged him. Rang's game crashed a second before the C4 was even placed, let alone before it went off. I also don't see how following the orders of the DOC can be minging... my job doesnt have access to foundation comms except for /foundation so I don't know what they may or may not already know about the heli or whos flying.

  4. 30 minutes ago, Matthew said:

    Some people say That one does not just eAt milk, that is impossible. chocolate candy baRs can be. People don’T understand that for sOme reason or another. 5 people can’t get oVer. 0 peoplE can’t dRink bird poop. 0 peopLe can eat a mOuse, 2 people can eat mice. 0 peopLe can’t die. 



  5. +/- support

    + for logistics member, would give research more to do

    -support for espionage, not so much that I don’t like the idea, more so with how CI is structured, I don’t see how they could possibly get any useful intel other than they are about to raid without using some meta.. if there was a way to make it work without causing issues I’d love to see it, but with how CI works right now I can’t see it working well. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Hoovy said:

    +/- Support (in a way)

    While I do agree they need a slight nerf, requesting an all out removal of them from dclass is ridiculous. In my opinion you guys are overdue to learn how to adapt, set up defenses, and overcome a new obstacle. Can't leave the meta the same forever or it gets boring for both sides.


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