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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2024 in all areas

  1. +support Really nice guy, fit for staff!
    1 point
  2. +Support Very active and friendly. Always shows willingness to help and teach others. Trains an insane amount of cadets. Professional and entertaining at the same time. Best of luck to you CeCe
    1 point
  3. + Support shows great potential as a future leader, always willing to help improve the community as a whole. + Active and will remain professional most of the time and a fun person overall.
    1 point
  4. Ngl the concept sounds great however if crims gonna get a boat, gov has GOTTA get one too! Would be really cool to see a bunch of tac get together in a gov boat to go raid a base thats near the water + support
    1 point
  5. +Support +Helpful +Active +Professional
    1 point
  6. Insane +Support Shows all the evidence you need. Seeing the clips and reading the description genuinely infuriates me. Regardless if this is "just how they act" does not make any of this behavior acceptable. Quite frankly disgusting given how many ques CeCe provides that he is getting annoyed/upset. It seems easy to forget but people play games to have fun, alot of people play them to forget about whatever shitty thing happened to them that day, forget that they have work/school tomorrow, and to make new friends or to see current friends. The thought of already taking on the stress of life itself and then being berated trying to enjoy yourself would make me quit the server entirely. For "funnies" or not its very easy to be a decent person and realize when someone isn't in on it.
    1 point
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