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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2024 in Posts

  1. Hey there. if you know me you might've noticed i havent been on in weeks, the reason is. i just feel like gaminglight isnt fun for me anymore, my game likings have changed over time and i feel like holding onto gaminglight for the ranks that took me so long to get is nonsense, so im finally taking the first and last step and moving on, nothing last forever i guess. i had a good run in this beautiful department, so amazing honestly. i want to thank a few guys here for how well they treated me, some friends and people who helped me out on the hardest moments on my run in this beautiful community @Craft You were my best friend, could be on staff or USMS or PD you helped me out with everything. we had hours long talks and made such amazing events together in ET, sadly i didnt see you in SRT before you retired but i could assure you were an amazing agent! @Scout100507 Captain scout you were when you taught me the bases of this amazing tactical department. you told me how to do everything flawlessly and without error, you were such a good figure and example for me to lead me up the ranks (you promoted me like 5 times lmfao) @RussTime You were also an amazing figure and example for me. i didnt interact with you as much in SRT but i assure you those few times we did interact you taught me so important stuff that i couldnt have gotten here without you @Hubert Střeštík You were a saviour for me, you got me out of so many situations by teaching me to do the right things and to follow the SOP over all! @Sato You did so much for me waiting for little to nothing in return, you are a respectable leader and department head and you know how to look after us all SRT! i believe you can lead SRT to history and further! @Matilda You trained me for sharpshooter, the sub branch that made my flame in SRT brighten up like a thousand suns, you had patience for me when i couldnt make it on the water tower during the parkour training and that is very admirable! if i didnt tag you here just know that my hands already hurt and i love you all who interacted with me, could even be a small chat its still appreciated by me! "Dispatch. 1R31 going 10-7.."
    1 point
  2. Alpha's 501 Vice Commander Application 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Alpha 2. What Regiment are you applying for? The 501st Legion. 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? The reason why I want to become Vice Commander of the 501st is to assist those who need it. I want to help out those who are currently in the Command position of 501st, to make sure they don't overwork themselves, and I believe making things a little more lighter, can go a long way. I feel, after being in the 501st Legion for 6 months that I am ready to take on the role of Vice Commander. I want to help keep track of those in the Battalion, and I will be able to do so more often, with Roster updates, Roster cleaning, as well as training the troops, and making sure they're doing their best. I want to make sure people follow the rules, and I can more so implement them, as a member of the 501st Command team. And it's for these reasons why I want to become a Vice Commander of 501st. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 672h 30m 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a Commander for a branch is to lead by example for the troops around them, who are serving under their rank. A Commander will be able to make sure their troops are following the rules at all times, by giving out promotions to those who are follow along. They can be there to observe and encourage those with good behavior, while discouraging, and handling those who have a more bad behavior. They are always planning out what they can do, to better the experience for those within the battalion. A Commander is to protect their Battalion in case anyone ever tries to disrespect, or even attack within their rankings. They are meant to be the model trooper within their battalion, showing their troopers what to do. They should deal with anyone who is minging within the Battalion to show what not to do, as they wish for their battalion to strive. That's what I believe is to be the main purpose of a Commander. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : The reason why I believe I should be trusted as Vice Commander is because I know I could do good for the Battalion as a whole. I've been assisting everyone, the best I can, in the Enlisted, NCO's, and even my fellow Officers in the 501st Battalion to make sure they're all doing their quota, and if they ever require any assistance, I am always there to do what I can to help, whenever they need it. I follow orders well enough to be trusted by the members of my Command, as whenever they need anything done, I am always quick to assist. I have always been one to put the Battalion before myself, I always try to set a good example for those serving under me, so when they become Officers as well, they can be helpful, for those who are seeking assistance. I try my best to not be harsh, or mean to anyone on their mistakes that they can make in the Battalion, as mistake are normal for us to make. I always try my best to calmly explain to them how things are structured, and how they are done, as well as always answering any questions they have, even if it has been asked many times before. For these reasons, that's why I believe I would fit the role as Vice Commander of the 501st Legion. 7. How often can you be Online? : Almost daily as long as I'm not moving which is why I have been absent these last few months but now that I'm finally set up i can return to my boys in blue!!! 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : Yes, from years ago i have two on SCP RP one for prop spam, and the other for tranquilizing someone.... I was a foolish young lad only out for chaos but i have changed I'm ready to be a contribution not a menace!!!
    1 point
  3. + Support - I typically refrain from publicly expressing my opinions regarding Shock Officer applications, as senior officers are involved in the selection process, and I prefer to maintain confidentiality. However, I am compelled to make an exception in the case of Sergeant First Class Humphrey. Throughout his comparatively brief tenure in Shock, he has consistently demonstrated commendable knowledge and respect. Notably, he authored a comprehensive document for Shock command to propose a new sub-battalion, which was exceptionally well-received. It has been an honor to serve alongside Sergeant First Class Humphrey, and his contributions have undoubtedly enriched my career.
    1 point
  4. guys i know im late but how do i use the format
    1 point
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