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Inmates Security Juggernaut Application

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1. What is your in-game name?: Inmate


2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:102303307


3. Current Rank in Security: CPL


4. Time on the server: 4 Weeks Roughly


5. On a scale from 1  (the minimum 30 min per day) - 10 (6+ hours Daily), how active are you?:4


6. Do you have any active strikes on the roster? (This includes other branches): No


7. Which Juggernaut members recommended you to apply?: none


8. What is your current level in game?: 114


9. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?: Yes


10. Why do you think you deserve to join the Security Juggernaut Sub-Branch? (100+ WORDS): I think I deserve access to Juggernaut because I want to be able to ensure that Gensec has the best chance of success against any threat that may present itself. Also I strive to be disciplined in every aspect while on Security. I am also very active within Security trying to keep the enlisted where they have the best chance of doing their job while also being safe. I also try to hold myself to a much Higher standard than is expected of me while doing my duties as an nco. Furthermore I have come across several situations that would have benefited by having a juggernaut to help deal with the situation. Lastly I wish to be a role model for the enlisted by showing them that with hard work and a disciplined attitude they can achieve any goal that they wish to reach even if it means gaining access to a specific whitelist, or reaching a specific rank In any Branch.

11. As a member of the Juggernaut Sub-Branch, do you have the right to give orders to people above your standard Security Rank? Why or why not?: No, because your normal security rank still applies to yourself there for you cannot order someone who is a higher rank

Edited by bullet magnet

The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.  :Sun Tzu

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Congratulations! This application into the Juggernaut Sub-Branch has been accepted! I would like to formally apologize on behalf of all Juggernauts for the late response. Please speak to any Juggernaut Colossus+ for training.

Current RP Ranks: Director of Research and Security
Former RP Ranks: RRH Guardian Mike 11, A-1 CSM "Matador", Chief Juggernaut/Elder, Chief of Security, CI SM

"Look at Gaga. She's the creative director of Polaroid. I like some of the Gaga songs. What the fuck does she know about cameras?" - Ye

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1 hour ago, Gucci Bucket Hat said:


Congratulations! This application into the Juggernaut Sub-Branch has been accepted! I would like to formally apologize on behalf of all Juggernauts for the late response. Please speak to any Juggernaut Colossus+ for training.

Double accepted, as maintenance cmd, I now require you to be trained for maintenance.

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