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When did you first play on this server, how did you feel?


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I first joined, roughly February 26th in 2021, haven't left since so i've been going for a while. 

my main key to success was reading everything I could, every document I could get my hands on, every rule, everything i could read and follow. 
while it was confusing at times I soon got to where i am Now. 

1 loyal playthrough of Nu7 since June 2021 and I'm only a Captain. fun! 😄

What was your starting experience of this server? 

Former: RRH Guardian KILO 20 | HTF MSG Inferno 2142 (MK2)| Nu-7: CPT, DHBHM, DHCBRN. SM | D5: MSGT x3 | Sec MSGT. | Moderator |
1 Year DHBHM 

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Joined 2021 August became a Security Captain but resigned due to a toxic member of security
Moved to Nu-7 on August 10th where I would become at around December 2LT I'd leave due to burn out

Became a member of all branches on October 3rd 

On December 5th I became RRH Guardian. On January I'd leave all branches. 3 months later I'd join R&D where I'd become a SIN commanded by BOx and Vindertech
I left because I was there for fun and to help out but in the end someone by the name of Neo came in and made it Serious-RP 

My main key of success was knowing when to have fun and when to be serious, I knew all rules of the server and I was quite welcoming to others. I also kept myself updated with the SOPs provided (Random fact : I still have the HSU Doc) My downfall would be burnout due the repetitive gameplay. Glad I was part of it though sadly most of my old friends have resigned.

Former Sub-Branch Ranks: SEC: SFTO & Juggernaut Nu-7: DHTR, IFE, IBHM E11: CB 

Retired Medical Staff EXPM Williams, Maintenance Professional, Sec CPT, Nu-7 2LT R&D SIN

Alpha 26

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Joined GL in 2016 and spent a majority of my time on PoliceRP, got FBI AD (that's about the only notable thing I can remember), got blacklisted the first time in October of 2021 for "Deleting an SOP" as I was told, spoke to Jimmy and got unblacklisted. Got blacklisted a second time in March of 2022 cause I wasn't a very nice & mature person at times to SMT & other players (I swear I've improved I'm very nice now :c) 

While we're sharing keys to success, mine would have to be don't start drama, it never ends well, sometimes people will do stuff you don't like and you might have to just live with it instead of causing arguments and contempt among people, don't ruin the experience for others if you're having a bad time.


-Piwwow :3 

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Started playing the server around 3 years ago, on SCPRP, played Security for a while then got bored and joined Nu7, I've basically just been an Nu7 player since then, tried out a few other branches, like CI and E11 but they really didn't stick with me (I'm in CI but I don't play it as much). I've enjoyed the server for as long as I've played and its still a fun game.

This is an alternate account for forums/profile/37110-schoodst/

(I am unable to sign into my steam account on certain devices)

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