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Sudden's NCO Application


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What is your In-Game name?: Sudden

What is your SteamID?: STEAM_0:0:551634078

What is your rank?: Henchmen I (Just got Promoted by Grand General to Henchmen II)

How long have you been in the Pyke Syndicate?: Almost a month

What leadership experience do you have?: Yes, I have NCO leadership in many different battalions such as, StarFighters, DeathTroopers, Naval, InfernoSquad

Why do you want to be a Pyke NCO? (75 word minimum): I want to be a Pyke NCO because I want to advance in the ranks while still serving with Pyke. I should be a Pyke NCO because I want to help other Pyke members/recruits and train more Pyke members. Another reason I should become an NCO is that I am very active on Gaminglight and can meet quota (If there is). If any higher-ups require assistance with anything, I will go above and beyond my abilities to assist them; regardless of what I'm doing in-game, I will strive to help my teammates, including enlistees. I will work hard to make Pyke a better warcrime fighting batallion.

Why should you be trusted with this rank? (75 word minimum): I believe I should be trusted with this rank because I believe I can make Pyke one of the best warcrime fighting battalions (which it already is) and I am very familiar with how the server and the battalion work. I'm also very active on Gaminglight most of the time, unless I have schoolwork or family obligations to attend to, but other than that, I'm very active on Gaminglight. I joined Gaminglight in 2021 and have been playing for over a year. I can also reduce the minges that are attempting to join Pyke or are already in Pyke, which is a limited number of people who minge that are in Pyke already. I know I'm not the best at what I do, but I can promise everyone that I'll do my best as an NCO, and I want enlistees to be the BEST, with me as a role model in Pyke. I can also make sure that everyone is following SOP and doing everything that is expected of them, and I will listen to my superiors.

Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of a Pyke NCO you may be removed from your position?: Yes

Edited by Sudden
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