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173 And even more drugs


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Grammar: 20/25  - Here and there some writing mistakes, mostly on punctuations.  

Creativity: 23/25 -   Its a very creative test for sure, also great addition with testing temporary death method. 

Lore: 20/25 -  Again no background of SCP 173, but medic usage was great.

Length/Format: 17/25 - Pretty decent length bit to short I find, could def improve more with adding 173 background. Its a decent format, but the coloring is a bit off, feels bit to mixed with red and blue. 

TOTAL: 80/100

Its sort of the same as ur first log on this, it would of been better to put the 2 test logs together, creating a longer test log and if you added SCP background then you would of received a much better score. Keep up the work, would love to read more of your test logs!

Edited by Stryker_

Username: Stryker

Status: Resigned

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