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SCP-610 Test Log Lsd Trip

CatFIsh {FE}

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Lore Rank/Name: ADVR CatFish

SCP #: 610

Test Idea: To have a class inject scp-610 with lsd and see its reactions to the hallucinogenic drug i bought off of Dr. Bright.

Background Research: Lsd is a hallucinogenic drug that when absorbed into the skin, or taken any way by a human or animal, causes the person to have absurb visual and auditory hallucinations. Scp-610 is the flesh that hates and will attack any organic flesh it sees.

Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that when injected, scp-610 will be unable to discern what it sees, and will be unable to attack any humans or it may attack anything nearby mistaking it for a person or animal.

Observations (what happened?): When i entered Scp-610's containment cell, i had d class escorted inside and gave them lsd inside of a syringe, when they entered 610's holding area with him inside, they popped the lsd into 610 and then tried running away from 610 while waiting for the drugs to take effect. I saw significant change in 610 as after 5 minutes the lsd seemed to take effect and it attacked randomly in all directions in it cell. The class d already dead didnt seem to dodge long enough to stay alive.

Analysis/Conclusion (was your hypothesis correct, why or why not, how can this discovery benefit the foundation?): My hypothesis was correct, seeing as that 610 is a living organism and has a brain and nervous system. it seems that use of drugs on this scp can prove benefical to the site as we may be able to use sedation methods or other drugs to halter or inhibit 610's ability to transform organic matter into more forms of itself.

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