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69th Medical Corps Officer Application (Boomer)


Should Boomer become an officer?  

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  1. 1. Should Boomer become an officer?

    • Yes
    • No

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1: What's you're in-game name and rank:(Ex: MC RCCS CSM Bub 2512):
69th PRFS SFC Boomer 5484

2: What's your timezone?:
Pacific Standard Time

3: What's your SteamID?:

4: Why should you be a medical officer? (100+ words):
I personally believe I should be an officer because my ultimate goal is to help the leadership team within medical. I have a passion for medical and it would be nice to see medical strive on the server. I have had past leadership positions within naval and I believe with this experience that I would bring great leadership to medical. I am also very active on the server and right now medical needs some active officers. I believe I am also qualified for this position because again during my time in Naval before becoming an Admiral I was once CMO. Being CMO greatly showed me what medical is all about and it showed me exactly how to operate the medical battalion. At the moment with medical being my main life I really want to do whatever is possible for me to try to get the battalion to grow. Also since being an NCO I have never missed quota and go above and beyond with hitting my quota early. As well as my time in command I never once missed quota showing I'm very responsible. 

5: Why should we trust you as a medical officer? (100+ words):
As listed before with past leadership roles I believe I am very trustworthy. During my time as an Admiral in naval with the helps of then Admirals Astro and Matrix we practically brought Naval out of the ashes and rebuilt it again. The activity in Naval at the time was very low but we managed to bring it back to life and make it one of the most popular battalions on the server. Not only this but my time as being an Admiral showed me new things on how to make a battalion strive and grow. To go off of my time as CMO really showed me how Medical works as a battalion as well, so I know of what is expected of the officers in medical. I also believe I am trustworthy because I am a very open person and very approachable. Anyone could come up to me with questions within medical and I would gladly help them out. I also have never been striked on the server and know all the rules as well as making sure others are following said rules. 

6: What do you bring to the Medical Corps? (100+ words):
What I bring to the Corp is activity as well as making sure things get done. My ultimate goal is to help medical grow so with this plan I would be doing multiple things like tryouts, planning mission with fellow officers and command, sims, as well as other activities to get the numbers in medical to stay as well as to expand it. I would also be bringing training to make sure that every Enlisted and NCO knows what they are doing and how to properly roleplay in the battalion. With this being said I would also push for enlisted to join sub battalions so that this can show that they are capable of moving up within medical because if we can trust them in our sub classes then we can surely trust them to move up within medical. Another thing I bring is activity, within medical at the moment what we really need are active officers and I know I can complete this task by always being on the server everyday and giving the Enlisted something to do. I have first hand experience with playing on the server and not having any officers on so I want to change this for the newer Enlisted that are joining the battalion daily. I also can bring being a role model for the Enlisted and NCO's to show them what how to act as an officer and give them somebody to look up to. 

7: Why should we accept your application over other applications? (100+ words):
I believe I should be accepted over others for the reason stated above. I honestly think I could bring tremendous leadership to the Officer Corp of the battalion and I believe I am a damn good leader. I also believe I should get it because I am very active and always do tryouts for the battalion to try to help it grow, mainly going well over quota. As well as wanting to step up, so that the enlisted in the battalion have someone that they know they can trust with their training, because at the end of the day the training is what counts the most to make sure that everything is being ran smoothly. With this being said I have no problem once so ever sitting down with someone to help with training, whether its with checkups, surgeries, or experiments. I can bring someone that makes sure all the Enlisted know what to do and to keep them up to date. I also would love to help the Medical Command team with anything possible to help this battalion grow. 

8: Do you have any warns? (And what for?): I have No warns what so ever. 

 Current: 69th PRFS SFC BOOMER

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Please speak to a MAJ+ for your Officer Training. Welcome to the amazing Officer team.

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Reserves: SRT MAJ 1X33

Ex ImperialRP: Super Admin / JMT and Senior Forum Diplomat, DT VCMDR RU8/ TI-23 L21, 69th/ MC VCMDR and first ever ParaRescue Lead Marshal and last Rescue Squadron Marshal, Lord I, Purge CPL, IC CSVL SSS DME 2LT Maroon, Shock SPC/ SGT/ MSGT, K2S8 SK385, Pyke Muscle II JSR RussTime

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