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Shock Goose Officer App


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What is your in-game name? Goose

What is your current rank? 1SGT

How long have you been in Shock? I been in shock about a month .

How much time do you have on the server? i have  817 hours  on the server 


**Why do you feel that you deserve  the position of officer?** I used to have multiple leadership roles in other lives, I was a Captain in 501st and an NCO in ST. I also worked my way up the ranks in IC . I have a lot of officer experience; I am good with hitting and exceeding my quota. I am a good leader and I am always active day and night. I will still do a tryout for anyone who wants to join shock when needed. The longest  time I have on the server is 11 hour+. I have to only this life on the server and I will do a lot of fun trainings and SIMs for my troops, as well as always being available if they need help. I have plenty of experience already with doing SIMs from 501st and can bring that into Shock.


**Why do you feel that you deserve  the position of officer?** I used to have multiple leadership roles in other lives, I was a Captain in 501st and an NCO in ST. I also worked my way up the ranks in IC . I have a lot of officer experience; I am good with hitting and exceeding my quota. I am a good leader and I am always active day and night. I will still do a tryout for anyone who wants to join shock when needed. The longest  time I have on the server is 11 hour+. I have to only this life on the server and I will do a lot of fun trainings and SIMs for my troops, as well as always being available if they need help. I have plenty of experience already with doing SIMs from 501st and can bring that into Shock.

**Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position?**  I am a trustworthy guy, I show a lot of leadership when there is no Officer on. I like to help people when I am on, making sure all shock troopers are having fun. When I get on job I go to Brig to do tryouts and guard until other Shock gets on, then I focus on making sure everyone else is able to get what they need done. I was an Officer in another life when I first joined the server and had plenty of fun and always did plenty of SIMs. Now I am in Shock, I love it, and want to continue that path within. I was on the server awhile ago and had to take a break, but now I am back and ready to be an Officer again!

Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position?  I am a trustworthy Guy , I show a lot of Leadership  when there is no Officer on  I like to help People I am Always on when I am off of work and when I come home . When I Get on Job I go to Brig to do Tryouts and Guard until a other Shock gets on  and I just did A training Tonight it was a Arrest  Hide and Seek I will do when Tuesday Night when Everyone is on job for the night or when they are out of School. I was a Officer in a other life when I first  Join the Server but i left that cause i got bored from the other life  then when i came  back to that life as a PVT and work my way up to NCO then I lift again so now I am in shock quite Happy to be in Shock I love it  I was Also In Navel but I left it cause it wasn't for me at the time Then  I went To ST I left  cause I needed  a Long Break from the Server for a bit but now I am back.


**If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't? ** I will encourage NCOs to get more people In Shock. When there is no NCO on to do tryouts if someone really wants to join Shock I'll give them a tryout. I will also do a lot of SIMs for Shock and for other players too. I like to help players on the server when they ask for help or if they are lost on the ISD. I am nice and and honest person. I have also been an Officer and understand the new responsibility I would gain as an Officer, and feel I am used to handling the job. When I joined Shock my first day I didn't know I would be happy in Shock, but I like being in Shock it's fun and the players in Shock are great to play Star wars RP with if I have a question they answer it fast. I feel I am ready to be at that level for the new troopers of the ISDGL.

How active can you be? I am going to be active a lot on Shock .


Edited by TTVhoplessnuke

Ex DDOS COMANDER Death | EX 501st Captain Winter| EX Shock 2nd LT Goose 

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Please edit this down a bit by adding some punctuation such as periods and commas (I FULLY understand if English isn’t your first language). Other than that, application seems descriptiveish but does seem as if you are kinda repeating yourself. I do see you active on Shock pretty decently however the application in itself doesn’t show what you’re fully capable of. As of now, I will neither + or - support this application until either further changes are made or if something changes in game.

Neutral Support

Currently: PoliceRP Lead Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, EMS Chief Car 1, SL Boss (Family Head), PD COL 1L93, State CPT 1H05, CERT TL 1TL01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF CPL 1U21
Reserves: SRT MAJ 1X33

Ex ImperialRP: Super Admin / JMT and Senior Forum Diplomat, DT VCMDR RU8/ TI-23 L21, 69th/ MC VCMDR and first ever ParaRescue Lead Marshal and last Rescue Squadron Marshal, Lord I, Purge CPL, IC CSVL SSS DME 2LT Maroon, Shock SPC/ SGT/ MSGT, K2S8 SK385, Pyke Muscle II JSR RussTime

DMs are always open (russtime)

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+/- Support

I see u want to became an Officer but as RussTime sayd u say many times the same thing and doesnt put in something els that might be more usefull to putt in the places.

Idk if u are active or not, as im in a dif timezone.
+gets high on the Tryouts

+Does Sims

Now: Naval Captain Wolf|  Mark's Son (<-mom)| Security Directors/Agent Kallus|

Former: Shock VCMDR/Lt Col. IF Moderator X2 | Gamemaster tic 3 and tic 5 | IC Maj Wolf | Naval Lieuenant x2 | Ted's Son| Bon`s favorite | IC Maroon/Volt 

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