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SCP-1025 Disease Test


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Lore Rank/Name: Junior Researcher Shady Brady

SCP #: 1025


Test Idea: determining the different types of diseases and ailments that occur when interacting with SCP-1025

Background Research: SCP-1025 is a book titled "The encyclopedia of common diseases" upon reading the book, the reader is transmitted with one of the countless diseases or illnesses that the book describes

Hypothesis: D-class personnel will become sick and most likely die due to the said ailments


Observations (what happened?): D-class "pixelated pancakes" was chosen for research with SCP-1025. Upon reading the book he said "I cant see" and then continued to sob on the ground uncontrollably. SCP-1025 had taken his sight. Amnestic was administered the D-class and he was sent back the D Block

Evidence/Visual Stimuli (Images):


Analysis/Conclusion (was your hypothesis correct, why or why not, how can this discovery benefit the foundation?): I was surprised to see that SCP-1025 did not administer a lethal disease but a crippling disability. Blindness has been added to SCP-1025s file.

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