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MTF Nu7 Application


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In Game Name: g7 giga sus
Steam ID 1110875615

Discord Name WOHOA#4844

When did you start playing on SCP-RP? Beacuse I heard that it was a good server and saw that its was pretty nice

Why do you want to join Nu-7? I would like to join Nu7 because I would like to join a branch that helps recontain scps and ensures they don't breach. I would like to also be apart of an mobile task force team that is a great branch overall and welcomes new people into the branch and are nice people overall. it just seems fun and would be a fun experience another reason id like to join is to assist in recontaining SCP's ensureing that SCP's dont escape fight the CI and sarkic ensureing that they do not get far when attempting to get either D-class or breach SCP's

If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. I am Security OFC Enlisted

Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? Yes I do.I will try to join dailly

Did anyone recommend you to join Nu-7? Yes MTF Nu7 SGT IRT Pablo W101

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Glad to see you start off your SCP RP experience with our branch.

Contact a FTO for your training 

SCP-RP: CI 2LT | SEC 2LT | Lumberjack Union Chief Logging Operator, S4 Avium SL1 | Retired Research Supervisor | Retired CI 2LT, 1LT | 2x Former SEC 1LT, Retired CPT Former WC Nemesis | Former Nu7 HFTO MAJ/A3 Tesla | Retired Admin

CCs: MTF Rev 26 'Vigilant Hero' | Vonzen Plushie | STARS | D-9177 'The Pill' | CI TF2 Heavy

Achievements: Staff Of The Month | 11x Staff Of The Week

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