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Lungs go bad


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In-game Name: Spixe

Rank: RMS and EM


Idea: Curing a d class from the book aka SCP 1025

Basic Description of what you will do: We will have a D class read the book and cure it

Hypothesis: The D class will get one of the diseases and we will cure them and they will be back to tip top shape

Observations (can be a video or audio):D class:MY LUNGSSS Me:I got you new lungs man  (I had Mask there) He read the book and got lung cancer. He was coughing up blood and it was hard for him to breathe. We took him into medbay and tried to treat him. We decided to give him some new lungs and luckly there was some lungs in the freezer. We had a bit of a rough time putting them in but it worked and he is now healthy. 



Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes

What did you learn?: All we need to do is replace lungs if they have it and they will be good to go

How Can This Benefit Medical?: We gotta stock up on lungs

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Official Scoring System


Grade: B


Total: 14/25 

Creativity: 4/5

Usefulness: 3/5 

Writing: 3/5 

Presentation: 4/5 

Realism: 4/5

Notes: Good test, remember that we are testing to find better ways to improve medical care, so why not invent a new lung?? Detail is better than the last test but would be nice to hear the surgical steps taken to replace the lung.


If you have any questions about your test score do not hesitate to contact command

|RRH Tango 63| CI RND AIN Rusty BSA192 | EOI | Head Medical Research | DHFTO |




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