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Earth/Frost Shadow Guard officer Application


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What is your in game name?: Alum Frost/Earth

What is your in game rank?: Lore Senior Guard

How long have you been in Shadow Guard?: for 2 months

How long have you been in Royal Guard?: For 3 months

Why do you want to become a Officer in Shadow Guard?: To further help out Shadow Guard and Help out the new Shadow Guard. The shadow guard officer gives me the power to help Shadow guard and the Battalion in the hole. Shadow guard Officer will let me help out on the internals of Shadow Guard. I want to become a shadow guard officer to Help the few members of shadow guard get up to the best of there Abilities.

How could you assist The Shadow Guard Lead?: By helping take off the stress of watching a Sub-Branch. by trying to Help with Organizing the Tryouts and Announcements for these tryout in Shadow Guard. I would be able to give suggestions on what we can do with Shadow Guard and how to improve Shadow Guard Capabilities. I am on a lot of the time so I will be able to help the SHG with there problems and be there when some one need to report something about shadow guard.

How many strikes do you have?: 0

Do you have any prior experience in being an Officer in a Sub-Branch? (If yes, explain): Yes I am the vice lead of galactic squadron in SF and I am a previous officer of shadow guard. When I was a Shadow Guard Officer I tried to short out most of the Shadow guard tryouts and Announcements. As a Vice lead of Galactic squadron in SF I do a lot of watching on how people use there Tie Hunters in combat and hand out promotion in the Sub-branch to who I think did very good. Since I have past experience in Shadow guard officer I now how to help shadow guard and I past experience organizing Shadow guard and every thing doing with Shadow guard.

Edited by tbabyearth

 Past Vice Sovereign Alum Frost | Past Admin 

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