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[Test #5] The "Feel No Evil" Project

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Right off the bat you can see there is no audio log and where the audio log should be is the example audio log. This isn't a huge issue but not having an audio log or video makes it hard for the reader to feel immersed in the experiment, especially when the overview and conclusion isn't too detailed. The overview has also left me confused in a fe ways. First being grade z amnestic, which are used for the purpose of making its user incapable of forgetting anything for the rest of their lives. Rather than throwing in random anomalies / items, go more in detail and explain why you are using said object in your experiment and what it will do in terms of the test. It is also never explained how SCP-610 could be used for medical purposes and why there is a possibility that it could be. Last error being you described the effects of the "610 Drug" you made before even testing on the CI member with it, and if you knew how it would work already you wouldn't be experimenting on it.

Efficiency: 10/25

Considering the flaws with this experiment, its efficiency cannot be well determined however the general idea of this test could be branched off of

Insight: 15/25

Presentation: 5/25

Writing: 5/25

Overall Grade: 35%

Please make sure to fill out the whole log in the future and also to not throw in random items with made up properties. If you want to use amnestic during an experiment, I suggest checking out this website: click here. Tap into your creativity and make some awesome test logs. Good luck in R&D!

R&D Chief Inspector and Poop Inspector

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