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IF44's NCO Application

A Y Y Orange Bugatti

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NCO Application

What is your In Game Name?


What is your In Current Rank?

Deputy Agent

What is your Agent Name?

Sharp Claw

How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad?

1 Week from the date of this app

Why Do You Want To Become An NCO? [100+ Words]

I would love the opportunity to become a NCO for Inferno Squad, For the reasons of: 1. I would love to show High Command and my fellow Squad members my commitment to the Squad. 2. My main point of play in on IF, I only have one life and when i get on im always on IF.  I show professionalism and leadership when on the job. I follow orders and work well with others. i tend to take the leadership roll when presented with problems during events and other missions. Outside of this server i have commanded my own regiments several times and always recruited for them. If given the opportunity to become an NCO i wont fray from that objective. i intend to power among the ship which IF seems to be lacking at this moment and i intend to prove myself worthy of being the most commendable soldier within the ranks of IF

How could you assist Inferno Squad with this rank?  [50+ Words]

Easy answer ,Provide tryouts to the ones wishing to join IF, Provide transport and further my flight knowledge. Lead enlisted into the fight with head held high, merge IF into the most sought after Regiment within the server. I have 10,000+ hours within Gmod and i have mastered the weapons of the game. i can outgun any person within the server given that they start with the same HP and armor and gun. i can train others to this ability as well

How many strikes do you have? 


Do you have any experience being an NCO/leading? If so explain.

I have much prior experience leading within RP and out of it. being a former CMDR 6+ times and staff many times.

What Qualifications could you bring to the Inferno Squad NCO Team? 

Expert Marksman, Excel at flight. Leadership and commitment to the IF

Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 1 Week Trial Period?  
(Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion)

I understand 

Edited by A Y Y Orange Bugatti
  • former IF LTCOL(Lieutenant Squad Lead)
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