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Yamatos RnD application


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In-game Name: Yamato


SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101762856


DiscordID: Atago#2794


What division do you want to join (Military or R&D):    R&D

How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?:  1-10: 7

Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum):  Well it's something different from my other lives in mtf and such,  I've tried the heavy trooper a couple times and CI seems pretty fun!.  But why.  hmm well I'm Yamato!!   I've managed to get into the fun mtf which is slowly getting boring.  I'm good in rp situations and follow the rules the best i can!  Plus I think R&d is abit declining on the member side of things, rarely see any r&d online, I can change that 🙂  or atleast make it so there's an R&D on alot more.


What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?:  I'm the floating Hotel Yamato  the floating coral reef  THE LEGENDARY YAMATO!!    but uhh anyways  i've been in all 3 main MTF branches  lvl 63, and alot of combat and roleplay experience.  been in Research for abit


How active can you be?:  Depends on my mood, along with school being a b*tch and many other problems. Meetings will be hard to get to.  I mostly Main Nu7 so mid-level activity 


Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord:  Yes

Nu7 Sergeant Major 
Former: RRH Guardian KILO 20 | HTF MSG Inferno 2142 (MK2) Nu-7: CPT, DHBHM, DHCBRN. | D5: MSGT x3 | Sec MSGT. | Moderator |
1 Year DHBHM 

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After reviewing your app, we think you'd be a good addition to R&D.
Join the GamingLight SCP-RP discord server and head to the "#member-self-roles" channel

Click the 5th emoji to get the "Requesting CI Tags" role

Next navigate to the CI "#requesting-fto" channel and you will see the "Requesting FTO Format"

Fill it out and wait for an FTO to train you!

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