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CI R&D Arch Yohan Off Site Test Log

Iron Viper

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SCP 3008 the infinite Ikia 

Chaos Agents involved no names shall be used only callsigns 


Date ███████ 18th  2021, 

Location Site-██ 

                                              Begin Log

we have Just launched an Attack on Containment Site-██ We have secured the Site and we are jamming all communications out the Site soon we will have killed the rest of the Site's Staff,

3Hours have passed 

We have just rounded up the last survivors of the assault and we will be sending them back to CI 37th Cell in new York for holding for the time being we have secured SCP 3008 and we are preparing to send a large Squad into the IKIA how ever results show that the name the infinite IKIA is no joke we are equipping the Alphas with radios and heavy weapons for every 2 we send one will be equipped with an M249 LMG R&D Agents will be sent in 2 hours after the Military Alphas have set up a Base camp USSR and Viper will lead the first squad through checkout and into the kitchen Isle meanwhile Bloodhound, Vox and Firefox will take the remaining military and R&D Agents to one of the main tribes in the Ikia they were last spotted raiding a tribe in the Hardware Isle they seam to hold a large population and have a good knowledge of where other tribes are.

Time 5:40 the First squad have reported in they have encountered an Unknown entity inside the SCP they say that it is neutral long arms they look like employs but they had no facial features One alpha thought it would be a grate Idea to fire on the entity it was able to take multiple rounds to the head and chest before it fell to the ground when it died more entity's approached the team however they just surrounded the body before they could the alpha who shot it was ordered to take an hand from the entity for later study, when they were leaving the entity's were attracted to the alpha who had the Hand he was ordered to toss the hand in a different isle he did and the entity's were drawn to it. 

At Base camp, we have built up the camp using anything they could find in the Isle be it washing machines dishwashers cupboards just anything they could use they did around an 20 Minutes a member from the hardware tribe came to investigate the appearance of a new tribe as they called it one of the R&D agents spoke to him at grate length the tribes man introduced himself and Dova he was given this name by his chief. he told them how the staff became hostile whenever the store shuts and that the doors to the outside world shut from the inside. 

Closing hours, time is 8PM the Staff have become hostile all CI agents have arrived at the base camp and are all preparing for a long attack they must hold out till 7:50 when the store opens the staff have become more hostile and aggressive they were reported to be trying to tare down the fort factions to the base camp.


time 7:50 the CI agents made it through the night however suffered mass casualties Vox bloodhound and Viper were all KIA in the hold out from the staff over all many of the staff body parts were taken as samples for R&D to research further the site was abandoned and MTF E11 moved in to secure the site no trace of our presence was left 

End of log 

Former RRH Analyst Delta 17 

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