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SCP-354 Blood Sample Test


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Name: jmulvey3
Rank: Medical Research Resident Medic jmulvey3

Idea: SCP-354 blood sample test.

Hypothosis: Because of the nature of SCP-354, I think that the blood type will be something that we don't know of yet.

Observations: During the taking of the samples, The pool seemed to be quiet and calm, with no visual activity.

Detailed description: I went and took the samples, I took off my hazmat suit, went back up to the lab, I tested the blood samples, the blood had an A antigen so it cannot be A, the blood tested negative for B, so it is B. Then I tested for B positive and negative and it ended up positive. So the blood type is B+.

Conclusion: SCP-354 has traces of B+ blood type.

Was your hypothosis correct?: No.

What did you learn?: SCP-354 has B+ blood type.

How can this benefit Medical?: We now know that SCP-354 has a B+ blood type, we could maybe test it to see if it matches like a normal humans blood type.

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