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Biggie Cheese ExD-173/500 Test#4

Biggie Cheese1

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Medical Research Format

In-game Name: Biggie Cheese

Rank: SMS, SM

Idea: To use SCP 500 in conjunction with ExD-173 to cure the side effects

Basic Description of what you will do: I will give the D Class 3 tablets and wait for the side effects to kick in, then I will give the D Class SCP 500 in hopes of getting rid of the side effects, if the side effects lessen or disappear entirely then I will attempt to make a hybrid drug combining the best properties of SCP 500 and ExD-173.

Hypothesis: Using ExD-173 in conjunction with SCP 500 will mitigate the side effects and make the drug more efficient.

Detailed description of what happened during the test:

I searched through the supply closet for my leftover ExD-173's and grabbed 2 pills from SCP 500,

I then gave the D Class 3 tablets so the side effects kick in faster,

the D Class the begins experience severe dry eye and blurry vision,

I then give the D Class SCP 500, this took a minute because I had to pry open the D Class's mouth for him to swallow the pill,

the D Class then lost all the side effects but I let him rest for a few more minutes before continuing with the test,

in the meantime I went in the corner and crushed up ExD-173 and poured the powder from the other SCP 500 into a
mortar and pestle, I then grinded it into a more finer powder,

after this step I put the powder into a new pill capsule and gave it to the D Class,

the D Class didn't experience any new or old side effects, however the drug still only lasted the same amount of time as the previous tests with is lasting 5-10 minutes,

after the test I sprayed the D Class with Class A and brought him back to D Block.

Conclusion: Combining the drugs in conjunction with each other creates the best possible version of this drug to date, however I do not recommend using this version of ExD-173/500 often as SCP 500 is a finite resource and its power shouldn't be abused.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes my hypothesis was correct as it removed the side effects that once plagued ExD-173 and stopped it from being the best it could be.

What did you learn?: I learnt that combining and mixing ExD-173 and SCP 500 to create ExD-173/500 creates a limited but very efficient version of ExD-173, I also learnt that turning it into a pill is more effective and easier to produce than tablets so I have decided to make them pills from now on.


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