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076-2 and 330 cross test


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Lore Name: Larf
Rank: AR
SCP: 076-2 and 330

Question / Idea: Will SCP-330 cut off 076's hands to make an easier way of dealing with him?
Background Research: SCP 330 is a bowl full of candy and when you take more than 2 your hands get cut off, and scp 076-2 is able from the bible and he is mad and doesn't like weapons and will go on a rampage.
Hypothesis: I believe SCp 330 will cut off SCP 076-2's hands because he is taking 3 from the bowl

Observations (What Happened During Test): 076 after being given the bowl and told to take 3 his hands were cut off.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli:

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): What caused the results were 330 reactions to 76-2 take 3 candy from the bowl.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:Yes


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