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1025 Test


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Lore Name: Larf
Rank: AR
SCP: 1025

Question / Idea: If you are wearing a hazmat suit will the effects of SCP-1025 still affect you
Background Research: SCP-1025 is a book of diseases and depending on what page you read you will get a corresponding disease
Hypothesis: I believe that even if you are protected the effects of 1025 will still affect you. This proving that the book itself is either able to bypass any protection the reader is wearing, or some other unknown force is other than the physical book is giving you the disease.x

Observations (What Happened During Test): After putting the hazmat suit on the D-Class, he went over and read the book, and died before he could tell me what affliction he received.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli:image.png.d099eefaaf4719f17dd8eff617937082.png

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Again, the SCP might be able to bypass all protection, or there is some outside force which act applies the afflictions.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes

Edited by Larf
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