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scp 330 survivability test log


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*Begin log*

D-93170 enters the containment room, upon entry D-93170  shows visible distress.

D-93170 is instructed to take one candy from the bowl and eat it, he does so with hesitation, the candy doesnt seem to have had any effect on him, the D class is instructed to take another candy and eat it, after doing it he expressed disgust he said that the candy is very sour and "tastes like sh#t". After a while the D class was instructed to take a third piece of the candy. Right after the third piece was taken D-93170's hands were immediately cut off. Massive external bleeding pursued, D-93170 seemed very confused and only after about 10 seconds did he notice that both of his hands were missing, as a test one of the guards administered body armor, most interestingly it seemed that it was helping, after another test and a comparison between how long the D- class survived i have come to the conclution that body armor extends the 330's victims lifespan by approximately 10 seconds. This is a major breakthrough looking as nothing beforehand was able to prolong the inevitable death of a scp 330's victim

*end log*

test conducted by: JR SomeRandomGuy"

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