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SCP 096 Test


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Here test log: (I made  only 3 pages, there wasnt anything more im sorry if its a bit shorter than usual)


FORMER: | CI R&D IIN (SIN?) | CI EOI Operative | MTF E-11 1LT RRH Analyst November 24 | Maintenance OS
CUSTOM CLASSES: | Obama | The Mets | MTF E-11 'Last Call' | MTF E-11 Spetsgruppa Directorate 'V' | Umbrella Corporation Operative |

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Grade: 80/100

Lore: 22/25

Creativity: 22/25

Presentation: 18/25

Writing: 18/25

Test quality: [25% or below= Poor, 25%-50%=Approaching Expectations 50%-75%=Meets Expectations 75%-100%=Exceeds Expectations]

Extra Notes: Creative termination test, one way to make the log better formatted is to remove the filler text that explains what to do with certain sections.

for example, for the "example of audio log" you could remove that text entirely, makes the log less cluttered and gives it more clarity.

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