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SCP-066 Audio Test


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Lore Name: Phill
Rank: Experienced Researcher

Question / Idea:Will distorting an audio recording of someone saying “Eric” cause 066 start playing the symphony?
Background Research:SCP-066 is a ball of yarn that will play Beethoven’s second symphony at 140 decibels when it hears the word “Eric”
Hypothesis: 066 will recognize that the audio recording is the word “Eric” despite the distortion.

Observations (What Happened During Test):I made sure to wear proper ear protection before coming into contact with SCP-066. When I entered the containment area, I pulled out a tape recorder and played the distorted audio. SCP-066 seemed interested in the recording, but it did not start the symphony. After a minute, I got up and left the containment chamber.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Audio recording I used for the experiment (it seems to have gotten quite loud when converting to mo4 format I apologize.) :

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-066 appears to have non-anomalous intelligence due to it not recognizing the audio is saying “Eric”
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:My hypothesis was not correct.

#RipRND you will be missed


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