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SCP-173 test


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Lore Name: Kush
Rank: JR Researcher
SCP: SCP-173

Question / Idea: Will SCP-173 attack the person that shows aggression first or not. 
Background Research: SCP-173 is highly aggressive and kills people when he got a chance.
Hypothesis: SCP-173 will attack the aggressor.

Observations (What Happened During Test): Two Class D went into the cell with SCP-173. One Class D is un-tied and one is still cuffed. The un-tied Class D punches SCP-173 three times and stand back. After that we closed the window. I heard a neck snap and reopen the window. The Class D that was un-tied is dead. 
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-173 will attack the aggressor first. 
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes.

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