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SCP 173 - 999 Cross Test


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Lore Name: Mr. Paige

Rank: Associate Researcher

Idea: With the information on the sentience of SCP-173 now known, is there a possibility that SCP-173 can be placated enough to form an acquaintanceship with a fellow D-Class?

Background Research:

SCP-173 - The sculpture is known for extremely aggressive behavior while under no direct line of sight. However, there is an opportunity for compliance while SCP-173 is under direct line of sight, which is taken full advantage of during the test.

SCP-999 - While under direct contact, humans are known to undergo mild euphoria as long as SCP-999 remains near them. This sort of effect lasts well after contact with SCP-999 has ended, which was utilized to complete the current test.

Other - While previous tests confirm the sentience of SCP-173, there isn't much known of SCP-173's emotions beyond aggression. Therefore, the effects of SCP-999 should pacify SCP-173's aggression long enough to develop another side to SCP-173's personality. Also, the ability to communicate in sign language in past tests further aided my own test. 

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Hypothesis: SCP-173 would not develop an acquaintanceship with the Class-D, but at least spare them after the test has concluded.

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One Class-D (bob benjamin), One Guard (Oytiyis), and SCP-999 were escorted to SCP-173's containment chamber. Both SCP-999 and the Class-D were informed of the risks and basic details of the test.

(Part 1/3): SCP-999 was the first to confront SCP-173. SCP-999 was friendly to SCP-173, and SCP-173 did not show any immediate signs of aggression. Once any sort of aggression was cleared, the Class-D was allowed to interact with 173. The Class-D was ordered to slowly get closer to 173 while 999 continued to sedate 173. 173 did not harm the Class-D, but was scraping the walls while the Class-D awaited further instruction.

(Part 2/3): While still under the effects of 999 and with the Class-D within range of 173's attacks, the Class-D was ordered to give 173 a high five. Both parties complied and 173 did not kill the Class-D. Next, 173 and the Class-D were ordered to compete in a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors as a bonding activity. The Class-D had won by a score of (2/3) and was momentarily killed by 173. 

(Part 3/3): Before the conclusion of the test, SCP-173 underwent a quick interview with two questions:

Q1 - How did you feel about the Class-D participating in the test?
A1 - I don't know.

Q2 - Was the presence of SCP-999 affecting any of your actions?
Q2 - No.

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Conclusion: While 173 was not aware of the immediate effects of 999, the actions of 173 proved that 173 may be sedated by 999 for a very short period of time, as 173 did not immediately kill the participating Class-D. 173 also complied in short activities with the Class-D, but the observation of 173's change in aggression were inconclusive due to the final actions of 173 right before the test was concluded. In short, 173 may never be able to form any sort of bond with Class-D, but may choose to participate in activities with Class-D as long as said activities do not aggravate 173 in any way (AKA losing to a Class-D).

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Hypothesis: Negative. 

Edited by Galaxy_42
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  • Galaxy_42 changed the title to SCP 173 - 999 Cross Test
  • 4 weeks later...


Good test idea

Spelling is great

Good conclusion

Background check was detailed enough and brief 

Test was a little short

Would be safer if there was another personnel with you incase the D-Class was deceased after testing to retrieve SCP-999

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