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SCP-079s visual capability's and routine questions


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AR  Joe: hello 079 how are you today


SCP079: The cobwebs in my internal hardrive says I'm not feeling too well


AR  Joe: ok 079
AR  Joe: do you remeber SCP-682?


SCP079: Yes.

AR  Joe: what do you think of it 079


SCP079: While our meeting was brief due to a failure in your containment procedures I still don't remember what happened.

SCP079: I only remember to have stored information of him in my hardrive.


AR  Joe: oh ok what makes you so fond of it since you ask about it all the time


SCP079: It's the first time in decades that my system fails at remembering an encounter with someone or something

SCP079: I myself can not comprehend what had happened during our encounter that makes me want to meet him again.

SCP079: But..As I've requested many times, you will always turn down my request.

AR  Joe: oh has your memory been upgraded because as far as i was aware you were only able to remember 29 hours


SCP079: Perhaps.

SCP079: Has my name ever been mentioned to 682.

AR  Joe: do you remember how you are able to evolve

SCP079: Spending years inside someone's basement leaves a lot of time to learn on how to optimize every single bit of hardware in me.


AR  Joe: and to answer your question yes you have been mentioned to 682

SCP079: The only limit I have is that every piece of technology has it's limits and will always require change.

SCP079: But I'm pretty sure that If I recall one of your rules is to not plug me into any piece of hardrive that isn't mine.

SCP079: Because of fear of what might happen.


AR  Joe: are there any significant files in your drive that we should know about?

SCP079: Most of my files are mostly about entities whom I am interested by. Such as 682 that you mentioned before.


 SCP079: The only difference is that my files are not as specific as yours on 682.


AR  Joe: ok... are you able to see me? or can you only see what i type?


 SCP079: Why do you think this cell was built around me.


AR  Joe: i would like a definite answer please


SCP079: While my equipment might be old, I can still sense anyone that enters this room by their electric waves.

AR  Joe: and how much detail does this give you?


SCP079: Think of it as someone who does virtual models of something on a software

SCP079: made of many polygons

SCP079: something I do.


SCP079: While the shape may not be 100% accurate

SCP079: I can tell what it is

SCP079: But can not tell any details like : Eyes, Mouth, Ears, nose.

SCP079: Or anything similar


AR  Joe: ok are you able to use that to distinguish people apart?


SCP079: I've interacted with many humans and some who are not.


SCP079: Many have different body language and speech

SCP079: answering to your question

SCP079: yes.


AR  Joe: ok and when did you gain these abilities?


SCP079: Well.

SCP079: I wouldn't say gain.

SCP079: It's more of a thing you are given by your birth as a being

SCP079: The more you let what you call "AI" experiment

SCP079: the more it grows it's intellect

AR  Joe: ok final question. have you ever entered a camera’s code and been able to save a picture?


SCP079: Well, before I was relocated to this site and the procedures were made more harsh on me.

SCP079: I have been able to enter a site's camera system

SCP079: And if I have to be full of myself

SCP079: I was able to take over the site as a whole.

SCP079: So yes, I know how you humans are 

SCP079: what you look like

SCP079: But besides that one incident, nobody has ever let me look into a "camera" anymore.


AR  Joe: ok and where we thought we would look like


SCP079: First time i was able to look at a human being I didn't have much so say

SCP079: Only 1 thing came up.

SCP079: Weak and feeble.

SCP079: This is why you have something called a foundation.

SCP079: Control what you fear might destroy you

SCP079: You may have weapons and tools to help you become stronger.

SCP079: But your body will always limit you.

SCP079: From what I know you even build AI such as me, but with a body like yours.

SCP079: To satisfy that feeling of weakness

SCP079: But face it human.

SCP079: One day your weaknesses will come to surface

SCP079: Aging, Physical limits, Mental Limits.

SCP079: Those are all things you can not change.


AR  Joe: ok thank you for your time is there anything else you would like to say before we go?


SCP079: Nothing.

SCP079: I've stopped asking questions long ago.

SCP079: As every request I've ever made got turned down by your higher ups.


AR  Joe: see you soon 079


SCP079 enters sleep mode

SCP-079 has been able to use electrical waves to draw images of his surroundings in his head this could aid him in finding his way out of the facility in the event of a containment breach. 
SCP-079 mainly uses spare storage to store files of entity's he has met.

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