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SCP 999 Consistency and Flexibility test


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Lore Name: Doctor Scooty
Rank: Jr Researcher
SCP: 999

Question / Idea: What is the maximum force SCP 999 can withhold and what happens if further force is applied
Background Research: Other test logs have shown SCP 999 to have a jelly/honey like consistency however none have tested the tension that the SCP can withstand and what will happen if extreme force is applied 
Hypothesis: The SCP may have a extremely high tension resistance

Observations: D-class personnel was instructed to begin hugging SCP 999. Force began slowly increasing over time until the D-class claimed that he could no longer increase force due to reaching his maximum force grip. SCP 999 did not split nor appear to have any visual tearing/deformities. The D- class was then instructed to grab one side of SCP 999 with his right hand and the polar opposite side with his left. D-class was instructed to being pulling with gradually increasing tension until the d-class claimed to have reached his highest strength. SCP 999 remained in its blob like state both before and after the test. No tearing/ splitting or appearance altering characteristics where seen both during and after the test 
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A

Analysis / Conclusion: SCP 999 Remains at a constant consistency which appears to adapt to the force applied weather it be pushing/pulling/squeezing. The texture and consistency states at a never altering constant
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes

SCP RP Ranks and CC's : CI SFTO CPT, S9 Houston IX, Owner Of CI "Reaper" Squadron SCP RP Level 100 Gang

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