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STONKSMAN's OS application


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1. What’s your In-Game Name: STONKSMAN

2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235) STEAM_0:1:578204988

3. What is your Rank: ME | HLPR Bot af6

4. Total strikes you’ve ever received: 0

5. How many warnings do you have on GL: 0

6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you: 10

7. Why do you believe you should become a Maintenance Command member (100+ words) i believe i should be maintenance command as i have had prior experience before, i was an operations supervisor in maintenance before and i am a friendly respectful individual, i show everyone the upmost respect at all times and always try my best, if i were to be given another chance in maintenance command i would love to prove myself worthy and show that i can be a great command member. i love helping out in the branch and i always strive to be the best me i can be. i love to show everyone that maintenance is a great branch and that the command for maintenance are reliable and trust worthy. i believe i would fit this position greatly.

[The following questions are intended to test your response and ability as command. You must answer 2 (two) of the questions, though you may answer all 3 if you wish.]

8-1. A Utility Trainee has escaped the training room and is refusing to return, how would you handle this: i would ask the trainee to return to the training room, if they do not return after two chances then i would demote them from the trainee job and place them on a DNT as they are clearly not interested in joining maintenance as a branch.

8-2. Some enlisted members have begun RDMing each other in bunks as a way to pass time, what would you do in this situation: i would kindly ask that the enlisted stop RDMing eachother, after two chances if they are still doing so i would issue a verbal warning, if they still continue i would begin issuing strikes or further punishment

8-3. A Junior Maintenance is breaking multiple SOP rules such as improperly using tools and disregarding DEFCON rules, what are your next steps: i give them a warning and tell them to come to bunks, after they arrive i will run through the training with them again, if they still persist then i will ask for further punishment or a DNT to be issued.

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We regret to inform you that your application has been denied. 

You may contact a member of High Command if you wish to know why your application was denied.


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