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Lucky's Officer Application


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What is your in game name? Lucky

What is your SteamID?  STEAM_0:1:225150252

What is your current rank? SSGT

How long have you been in Nova? 6 days

How will you assist command with this rank? I can assist command with my rank by hosting many tryouts weekly and make sure to meet my quota every week. I will make sure to be extremely active even while I have school. I can be on daily and hand out promotions when necessary. I will make sure to train NCO's once they are eligible with persistence and correctly. I will also make sure to keep the lower ranks in line and strike when necessary. 

Why do you want to become an Officer? I would like to become an officer to help nova become a more active battalion in general. I really wish to see Nova succeed. I want to be come an officer so I can help command when and if they're not able to get on. 

Do you have any experience leading / being an Officer? Yes. I was a Flight LT, as mentioned per my last application. Flight LT at the time was pretty much the XO. 2nd in command. 

What is the purpose/duty of an Officer? We are expected to host tryouts respectively. We are also supposed to train NCO's on how to do tryouts while being as active as possible. We are also expected to hand out strikes if necessary. We are also responsible for promoting lower ranks who are off cooldown and ready to move up. We are also expected to enforce the rules of the battalion. 

What qualifies you to be an officer? My activity, my listening skills, my understanding skills, along with being able to correctly command a battalion. But the best one of all, my experience. 

Current: Gladius Squadron Lead
Former: Nova NT06 


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