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Flame's NCO Application


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What is your in game name?

Nova PFC Flame NT90.

What is your SteamID? 


What is your current rank?

 PFC .

How much time do you currently have on the server?

4 days.

How long have you been in Nova?

2 days.

How will you assist Nova with this rank?

I can assist Nova with this rank in getting more recruits for our battalion and I would also do many patrols and checks people ids' to make the ship have order. I will teach new recruits many Nova ways and point them in the right direction so they can prosper. 

Why do you want to become an NCO?

I want to become an NCO to host tryouts to receive new members for our battalion. I also want to teach new recruits many tricks.

Do you have any experience leading / being an NCO? 

Yes, on a different server, I lead part of the 41st Battalion. 

What is the purpose/duty of an NCO

The duty of an NCO of Nova is to train new recruits into the battalion, lead patrols to keep the ship in order, and finally to do ID checks incase of a spy or a faker aboard the ship.

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+/- Support

-Application is a little short

-Has experience leading

-I've only seen you on once or twice, be a bit more active and you'll for sure get it

Edited by Xenozz
Spelling error.

Former Nova Vice Commander
toki GIF

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