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Testing healing capabilities of SCP-1025s regenerative cancer

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Lore Name: JR Gibus

Rank: Junior Researcher

SCP: 330 and 1025

This is the first of many tests I will be conducting in the future on the healing properties of SCP-1025s Regenerative cancer. Testing its limits on what can or can't be healed.

Idea: would regenerative cancer from SCP 1025 repair the lost limbs from interacting with scp 330?

Background Research: this experiment was tested multiple times previously on 3 different D-class Personnel all at different times, all of which gained harmful diseases from SCP-1025, killing them and resulting in the failure of the experiment.

Hypothesis: The regenerative cancer from SCP 1025 would heal the D-class subjects wounds sustained from scp 330, giving them their hands back.

Observations: Subject interacted with SCP 1025 and gained no observable ailments, to see if the subject had regenerative cancer the escort guard was instructed to shoot the D-Class' left hand and did so. As expected, the wound healed itself in a matter of seconds.
The D-class subject was then told to take 3 pieces of candy from SCP 330, as expected the subject's hands fell off. However, the regenerative cancer could not regrow the lost limbs, instead the subject continued to bleed from his hands. Despite the long length of time the subject bled, the subject did not die from blood loss, but the wounds showed no sign of healing from the regenerative cancer. Subject was terminated by the facility guard as to not alert other D-class personell if they were to be returned constantly bleeding.

Analysis: The hypothesis proposed was incorrect, the subject could not regrow their lost hands but could not die from blood loss either. Further experiments will occur on the limits of regenerative cancer.

Notes: Due to the restrictions set in place I have very few anomalous items and entities to work with, so this overall experiment will be slow.
There may be multiple reasons as to why the regenerative cancer may not have successfully healed the subject's hands:
1. Due to the constant blood loss, the cancer was overloaded and forced to only create more blood and was unable to at least properly heal the hands of the subject, this will require medical further testing and occupation of the on-site laboratory.
2. Regenerative cancer may not be able to heal wounds attained from anomalous entities or objects, this will require further testing.
3. Regenerative cancer may not be able to heal lost limbs. This will require further testing and/or looking into previous testing logs of SCP-1025.

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[SCP RP] Former Research Administrator | Research Field Agent | Chair Professor of RRA - Former RRH Analyst 'November 1' -- MTF Nu7 Second Lieutenant  Senior Event Team Member - Former Admin

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