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SCP-012 Test.


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Lore Name: Konig
Rank:    Junior Researcher
SCP:   SCP-012

Question / Idea:  How this bad composition is able to make the subject's have suicidal tendencys
Background Research:  SCP-012 is an old musical score titled "On Mount Golgotha". The object appears to be part of a set of scores, and is incomplete. The dark red ink, originally believed to be a berry-based tincture, is shown to be blood from multiple subjects. The song itself is a cacophony, lacking in correlation and harmony between the instruments.
Hypothesis:    My Hypothesis are that the bad composition is able to sneak to the subject's ear and cause multiple damage's and traumas into his brain. causing him to do actions like making wounds on his fingers with his own nails to end this composition.
Observations: The subject in the middle of the test walked straight to the piece of paper with music written on it. Moments after he shouted "I must complete it!" Hurting his fingers with his own nails causing a great damage. after that the subject was bringed to see how big the wounds are. he had multiple cuts in his hands followed of a piece of nail stuck on his veins. The subject almost commited suicide but he was stopped. we used Class-A Amnestics after the test.
Evidence/Visual Stimule (N/A)

Analysis / Conclusion This SCP with his melody caused a weird effect. Making the sound of the notes play enter into the subjects brain and cause multiple traumas and making the subject do actions like hurting himself.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:  I would say yes.

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Grade Score: 60/100
Grade Class: Euclid
Overall Feedback: Test log is slightly below general expectations.

Notes: First things first: Please don't be discouraged because of this grade, There is some potential here, You just need to work on a few things for future logs, So I am here to point them out:

1: The test itself boiled down to just throwing a D-Class at SCP-012, The hypothesis was a creative theory, But there was not any real test TO that theory, For example: You could have tried having a D-Class wear earmuffs, Then approaching 012, But instead, The D-Class was just locked in a room with 012, Did the average thing people do with 012, And that was the test.

2: The format is a bit bland as it's just the standard format, By this I mean: Yes, The format is correct, But there is nothing else to it, You could have added some colors, Or some pictures, Or hell, Even write the log on a program like google slides or google docs, Even just adding a few colors and pictures makes a log stand out more then one that's just all left side white text.

3: The log is rather short and the writing is a bit lacking, The log is rather short, To make logs shorter, Typically: You would go more in detail about things, Or include more things lore wise with the SCP you are testing on.

So again: I am not trying to discourage here with all this negative feedback, But if you just improve upon these few things, You could do great in log writing.

[SCP RP] Former Research Administrator | Research Field Agent | Chair Professor of RRA - Former RRH Analyst 'November 1' -- MTF Nu7 Second Lieutenant  Senior Event Team Member - Former Admin

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