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SCP - 682 Termination Attempt

Dr Brie

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Lore Name: Dr Brie
Rank: Junior Reasearcher
SCP: 682

Question / Idea: Can a more than lethal dosage of a disease kill 682
Background Research: 682 has shown no immunity to disease so far
Hypothesis: The disease will infect 682 however he may just adapt

Observations (What Happened During Test): It seemed to affect him at first but then it was just shaken off
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: He shook and made noises like he was hurt

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): I believe my hypothesis was correct in it did infect him at first but it didnt kill him
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes

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This test log Is way to short and I'm not obligated to grade this It is obvious there was no effort put forth, Go put this in activity logs.

 Former Research Manager| EXP medic |MTF E11 CPL FartDaddy37
AKA The guy who stole Rektifys rank

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