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SCP-049-2 Intelligence Test


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Name: Luca

Rank: Junior Researcher

SCP: 049-2 

Idea: See if SCP-049 Instructs SCP-049-2 to answer questions on mathematics will SCP-049-2 be able to properly answer the questions.

Hypothesis: I believe SCP-049-2 may struggle but I do not think it is impossible for it to answer, this will also determine if SCP-049-2 has memories of it's former self.

Test: SCP-049 was given a D-Class to 'Cure' and was provided a pencil and sheet including 3 questions of a intermediate level. The Three Questions are as followed, 8x8, What is the square root of 9 and Determine the Hypotenuse of a Right Sided Triangle if the short sides are 4 and Two Centimetres.


Result: Despite the test taking 20 minutes the SCP-049-2 Instance was able to complete the test scoring 2/3 thus they posses some memory of what they have learned in the past.  

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