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Incident Log - Von Braun Burgers

mt. moncher

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Name:    Moncher

Rank:     Advanced Researcher

Clearance Level:    3


Date of Incident:    6/24/2021

Describe the incident:    Lead Researcher Von Braun was noted doing something weird. He was being watched when I found him doing something with Junior Researchers, I asked him what he was doing. He said “Oh hi Moncher, I am not doing anything suspicious” I reported this to my supervisors at them, Lead Researcher Panda, and Research Manager Jummy. Researchers were warned if they saw him entering heavy containment zone to stop him and ask what he was doing. I went back to D-Block to find him when an Experienced Researcher informed me that he had moved into the Research Laboratories, and begun making 682 burgers. I informed my supervisors, and Lead Researcher Panda and I made our way to the Research Laboratories. We arrived at the same time, and found him with Research Assistant Supervisor Cyclone, and a single Junior Researcher. It had been quickly made apparent that Von Braun had fed a 682 burger to the Junior Researcher. Von Braun was escorted back to bunks, and interrogated by Panda and I. Braun claimed that he had also done tests to prevent 682 breaches, such as tests with new tranquilizers, and his mission with the 682 burger was to cure world hunger. These ideas were quickly shot down by Panda who was in charge of the interrogation. Von Braun was escorted to HSU, who decided to terminate him.

List classes of SCP(s) involved:    SCP-682

Immediate complications due to the incident:        The termination of Lead Researcher Braun. The termination of the Junior Researcher who ate the 682 burger. The endangerment of everyone who touched 682 burgers, as well as the MTF who gathered the meat for the burger.

Long-term complications due to the incident (if applicable):    Research Command, should look into ways that Von Braun can continue his experiments. I believe this, because Von Braun yes is creating 682 burgers but he is also attempting to counter balance that with the fact he is also making new ethical ways to tranquilize SCP-682, and he stated that burgers raw have acid that is stronger than the acid that 682 is contained in, and Braun believes he could come up with a better solution for the acid in SCP-682’s containment chamber.

Type of response towards incident (MTF/NTF/Security/ETC):        The response towards this incident should be for Research to investigate Braun. Research’s main goal for this investigation, should be to make sure Braun is only using this how he says he is. In the end I do not believe Braun should be in trouble for the use of 682-Burgers.

Resolution towards incident:        The resolution I believe for the situation, is one I have said multiple times. I think Braun should not give burgers to personnel, except for Class-D personnel. I also believe Braun should continue finding better ways to keep SCP-682 contained.

How dangerous was the entirety of the situation?:        Because of Braun’s use of the burger on Junior Researchers, I would classify this as a 5/10 on a scale of 1-10 on how dangerous the situation was.

Extra Information:        N/A

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Graded: 50/100 (For Vons Test?)

Presentation: 70/100

-Next time, you should probably use Google Docs, show pictures or unique fonts and colors.

Creativity: 70/100

-If it wasn’t for the explanation of curing world hunger, I would have given this a 50 instead. Using 682 for burgers, in my opinion is reckless, there’s other anomalies that can be used.

Lore: 80/100

-You followed lore (I guess?)

Overall, I’m extremely confused on wether or not this should have even been graded since this is more of an Incident Report rathe than a test log.


RRH Analyst Lima-3;

Sarkic Archon General;

Former-Omicron-9 2LT Saw;

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