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Test-Logs-SCP-049-2, SCP-008-2 Genetic Cross Test

mt. moncher

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Lore Name: Moncher

Rank:    Experienced Researcher 

SCP:        049-008


Question / Idea:    The Question of concern for this test is Are SCP 049-2 and SCP-008 connected in any way. The reason I am testing this, is I am researching a cure for SCP-049-2 and if SCP-008 and SCP-049-2 are connected then I could not only cure SCP-008 and SCP-049-2 at the same time, but also understand them both heavily so more research could be easily done by me with them. How this test will work is, I will have a D-Class infected with SCP-049-2, and a separate D-Class infected with SCP-008. The D-Class infected with these SCPs will now be known as SCP-008-A and SCP-049-2-A.


Background Research:    SCP-008 Item #: SCP-008: SCP-008 is a advance disease not naturally found on Earth, small samples are kept in secure containment chambers, to prevent infection before leaving the facility personnel are to quarantine for 4 months. SCP 049: Item #: SCP-049: SCP 049 is a humanoid male contained in a standard humanoid containment chamber in Site 50,SCP 049 has the ability to terminate personal of contact and reanimate corpses in a process he refers to as “curing” SCP-049 claims to be the “Cure” for “The Great Dying” or “The Pestilence” it is unknown what the persistence is however whatever it is, 049 has the innate ability to find it on living organisms. Project 049 Cure Project 049 Cure Data Sheet: Project 049 Cure, or Project PDC (Plague Doctor Cure) is an ongoing project where I am researching a cure for SCP-049-2, much information gathered through this project is being used here. SCP 049 and SCP 008 are both to be handled with care so to prevent a containment breach I will have multiple MTF, and Research units spectating and assisting with this test.

Hypothesis:    My hypothesis is that there will not be a considerable amount of similarities between SCP-008 and SCP-049, I believe this as SCP-049 and SCP-008 both have extremely different means of infection.


Observations (What Happened During Test): The D-Class were particularly troublesome today, they were having a panic attack and struggling in their cuffs long before we even stepped foot in Heavy Containment Zone. Me and a Nu-7 Escort got the D-Class and made our way into heavy containment zone. When we got to SCP-049’s containment chamber he was standing in the south east corner of the cell staring into space. We got his attention and he agreed to the test. I swabbed the mouth of the D-Class, he wasn’t appreciative of this gesture but, really who cares about the D-Class. We threw the D-Class in 049’s containment chamber. SCP-049 in his long black robes, and his uncanny mask, touched the D-Class with his bloody hand. Do you ever get used to this stuff, do you ever get used to seeing someone die? SCP-049 pulled out a small doctors bag and begun to do surgery, after roughly 30 minutes the doctor stood back up and brought to life a 049-2 instance, like always it looked completely different then the original human, it listened to use and him and we were able to swab his mouth quickly.

SCP-008 scared me, the whole room, the vile, the constricting hazmat suit, everything about SCP-008 was terrifying. We tied the D-Class by 008 and walked back allowing him to go through the pain of the infection. After he was infected I walked forward, the Nu-7 Lieutenant behind me holding his gun facing directly at the instance, also in one of the constricting suits, I could tell he wasn’t scared, I don’t know how. I quickly stuck a swab in the instance's mouth and moved it along the tongue and the gums. After I swabbed it I put it back in one of my test-tubes, and stored it away in a bio-hazard mobile container. We brought the instance to the incinerator and burned it, some anomaly thing, it was half invisible, shut the Lieutenant in the room, I banged on the door, tried to open it but… unfortunately I was unable to save him.

Once I got back to bunks and set the 008 and 049-2 jars in a safe, I heard alarms, SCP-682 had breached containment, not only 682, but dozens of other hostile SCPs, I cowered in my bunks for an hour, then I set up a quarantine zone and begun to test the samples, hidden away in the bunks. A fellow researcher helped me check the samples, SCP-008 and SCP-049-2 has a remarkable amount of similarities, they aren’t the same mind you but they are similar. They were about 53% similar, because of this I don’t believe further pursuit should be had into the similarities of SCP-049-2 and SCP-008-2.

Extra Notes:     People got way too close to SCP-008-2 during the movement of the instance, it's because of this I am requesting an Incinerator and small laboratory in SCP-008’s containment chamber.

Evidence/Visual Stimuli (N/A if unable/none): No pictures were acquired during the test.


Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): I believe the similarities of SCP-008-2 and SCP-049-2 are coincidental. Let's look at the facts to prove my point. SCP-049-2 is spread to individuals via a surgery, conducted by SCP-049, there is not a known ways for SCP-049-2 to spread, without SCP-049’s surgery. SCP-008-2 is caused by contact with SCP-008, and it is highly contagious. SCP-049-2 and SCP-008-2 could not be related, if SCP-049-2 was SCP-008-2 then SCP-049-2 would be contagious. Now why were there similarities? I also put through a control batch with the human DNA, and those two showed great differences. So perhaps SCP-008 and SCP-049 both use similar tactics of genetic changes on a base level, to get the results the particular instance wants. Maybe SCP-049 and SCP-008 were produced? This theory would explain the similarities, and a lot of unanswered questions on SCP-049’s motives. What if the pestilence is whatever someone wants it to be? What if SCP-049 is not at the steering wheel, what if he’s an unwilling participant? In the end more research should be done into SCP-049 and SCP-008’s similarities, maybe we can find a new group of interest in the progress.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:    My hypothesis of “there will not be a considerable amount of similarities between SCP-008 and SCP-049, I believe this as SCP-049 and SCP-008 both have extremely different means of infection.” Was incorrect but to a smaller degree, let me explain. SCP-049 and SCP-008 were different in a way, they had the different forms of infection and small amounts of similarities I was expecting. But what I was expecting was not a considerable amount, they were a considerable amount, they were a giant amount, one that I was not expecting at all. SCP-049-2 and SCP-008-2 had a considerable amount of similarities and because of this, my hypothesis was incorrect.

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Grade Score: 75/100
Grade Class: Keter
Overall Feedback: Test log meets expectations.

Notes: Despite most of the test just being RP, Rather creative test, Writing was LOOOOONG but decent, However the writing sometimes felt like you were just rambling on specifically to increase the length of the log, Formatting is just the standard format with no real colors and no use of google docs or google slides, Lore seems to all check out, Overall: Good work!

Edited by Mitchell Hugh

[SCP RP] Former Research Administrator | Research Field Agent | Chair Professor of RRA - Former RRH Analyst 'November 1' -- MTF Nu7 Second Lieutenant  Senior Event Team Member - Former Admin

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