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Test-Logs-SCP-173 Camera Test

mt. moncher

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Lore Name: Moncher

Rank:    Experienced Researcher 

SCP:        SCP-173


Question / Idea:    SCP-173 can only move when being directly looked at, so what if a security camera were to look at him? A general purpose security camera will be placed at the top of SCP-173’s containment chamber, then all windows will be closed and video footage will be sent to a monitor in the control room. If SCP-173 moves while the camera is pointing at him, we will have a definitive form of locomotion in SCP-173.

Background Research:    SCP-173 Item #: SCP-173: is a concrete and rebar statue of unknown origin. SCP-173 is extremely hostile and 3 personnel should maintain eye contact with him when SCP-173’s chamber is open. SCP-173’s main form of attack is by breaking the neck at the base of the skull, or strangulation resulting in termination. All personnel interacting with SCP-173 should alert all other personnel when they blink. SCP-173’s cell fills up with a mixture of blood and feces and should be cleaned on a bi-weekly basis. 

Hypothesis:    SCP-173 will react to the camera as if it were an unblinking person watching SCP-173. I do not believe a definitive method of locomotion will be caught. However if it is possible to capture a video of SCP-173 in motion it could help completely prevent a breach, and also make it much easier to clean its cell.

Observations (What Happened During Test): 2 Class D personnel entered the containment chamber followed by me and a GenSEC unit. I placed the camera on the wall, and left, followed by the GenSEC and the 2 Class D Personnel. I quickly made my way up to the control room, and closed the windows and door. The monitor showed SCP-173 quickly zipping around the room for 32 minutes. His movement pattern was hypnotic, he only moved when the camera glitched, which considering its price happened way more frequently then should have. It was odd, the camera would flicker with a bright light then SCP-173 would have made his way across the room. God you really don’t get used to any anomaly, 173 turned after roughly 47 minutes of the camera being on, after 15 minutes of him sitting in a corner occasionally turning and facing random walls, he slowly made his way across the room, zipping to random corners then back on track towards the camera. It was as if that monster knew someone was watching it, as if it was taunting us, saying you can’t do anything to stop me. It was terrifying even just watching the camera. It knew we could see it, it just wanted to fuck with us. SCP-173 eventually made its way to the camera and knocked it off the desk. It then snapped the camera in half. We opened the window to SCP-173’s blank spray paint eyes staring at the windows. It know, that monster knew. Class-D were returned to D-Block.

Evidence/Visual Stimuli (N/A if unable/none): Camera view of SCP-173, reason for distortion unknown, however a movement event happened seconds later.


Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The general purpose security camera’s distortion was likely caused by 173. I believe SCP-173 believed the camera was alive and was trying to scare the subject to make it easier to capture. I do honestly believe SCP-173 should not be exposed to a camera again, he seemed aggressive towards it and I fear he could just be more aggressive if he sees a camera again. Perhaps SCP-173 should be moved out of his cell for a temporary amount of time, and camouflaged cameras could be implemented. Perhaps the distortion effect of the cameras were caused by SCP-173 knowing there was a camera in his cell, however unlikely that is. My final conclusion is SCP-173 should not be re-exposed to a non-camouflage security camera again.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:    My hypothesis of “SCP-173 will react to the camera as if it were an unblinking person watching SCP-173.” was indeed incorrect. He did react to the camera like a person was there but the camera, oddly enough the camera blinked. This was nowhere near what I was expecting with my hypothesis.

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75/100: KETER

Good writing.

Actually useful idea.

 Not great clinical tone, such as referring SCP-173 as a "He" and various other phrases.

Research Administrator | R.A.U. Commissioner | External Agent 3 "Oyasumi"


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