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SCP-173 Test Log


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Lore Name: gameboi
Rank: Junior Researcher
SCP: 173

Object Class: Euclid

Question / Idea: When testing gets done on SCP-173 it is common to have multiple eyes on the object, however for this test the idea was to have 2 D class susbjects completly alone with the SCP-173. This meant that the shutters were closed and no cameras were used to observe the SCP either. The limit for the test was 2 minutes.

Background Research: SCP-173 cannot move while people observe it, but when it is not being observed it has been seen to move at incredible high speeds. when the object meets a subject it proceeds to snap their neck.

Hypothesis: With less virtual and organic eyes looking at the subject it can be assumed it will take less than one minute for the SCP to kill the subjects.

Observations (What Happened During Test): For this test we brought 2 D class subjects into the scp chamber. Once the D class personell were inside the gates were closed and the testing window shutters were also closed so only the 2 subjects were able to see the experiment. After two minutes only one of the subjects died, the sound of the death was around the two minute mark aswell. 

Evidence: No evidence was taken since the experiment was performed with closed doors and no windows.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): It could be that having two D class subjects is still too many eyes looking at the scp for it to reach its maximum potential.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No, SCP-173 was still affected and significantly slower with only two personell looking at it in complete isolation.

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