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scp 035 masstest log

Pumkin man

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Lore Name:Pumkin man

Question / Idea:What:Could scp 999 pacify scp 035
Background Research:Scp 999 is known to be able to pacify scps so why not 035
Hypothesis:Scp 999 would pacify scp 035

Observations (What Happened During Test):Scp 035 and a scp 035-1 instance started playing with 999.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli:Down bellow

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results):Scp 035 was probably a bit traumatized from a d-class so scp 999's effects were even better.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:yes it was.=




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20/100: SAFE

Pictures are nice.

This test has way to little depth, I can't really sink my teeth into it.

Punctuation is key!

Also when you put those colons: make sure to space the letters after it, ok?

Research Administrator | R.A.U. Commissioner | External Agent 3 "Oyasumi"


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